Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
Good News for Tampa:
Numbers across the county show a spike in cases in people ages 25 to 34. The majority of those positive cases are happening in the City of Tampa.“They are young, they’re strong, they’re [getting through] this but they’re going to home to their parents, to their grandparents, and we’re going to see a skyrocket at those deaths. I’m going to put a mandatory mask ordinance on the city of Tampa right now,” Castor said during the EPG meeting.
Mayor Castor’s office said the ordinance will go into effect Friday, June 19 at 5 p.m. ET. The Hillsborough County Emergency Policy Group (EPG) will meet on Monday, June 22 to discuss a potential ordinance.
Thanks for the update Sanibel. I need to drive through Tampa heading North. Hubby gave me a bombshell last night after Trivia. He wants to hit the road within two weeks. Scared to death I am. But, it needs to be done. We definitely need to check on two houses and being away does not help. Still in the talking stage. We shall see.
OK… dressed and heading out the door for a walk! I figured out that one loop through my area is 1/2 mile…last night did 4 loops…impressed myself. And discovered a way to not stop when many neighbors want to talk…headphones!
pipman, enjoy your walk. Get some waling music into those headphones. I like Abba. It gives you an extra bounce to your step. Have a great week.
It’s that time of the evening when all good things come to an end. I wish all the dad’s out there a great Father’s Day. May you have a great day by a pool, the beach, or just sitting in your own backyard Whatever you decide to do, remember to stay safe and well. Until next week, may you all have a wonderful week with sunny days. Goodnight, pleasant dreams. Hope to see all of you back here same time, same place. Goodnight, It’s time to go. Bye……….
I’m back just in time to say goodnight to everyone. What a rousing game this turned out to be this week, and new people popping up in the thread, nice!
I am looking for the thread with the birthday wishes and haven’t found it yet, but I thank y’all in advance for the lovely considerations and for thinking of me. It is such a nice little corner we have here in our trivia-land, where all are welcome and we get to interact with each other in a warm and friendly atmosphere. It is much appreciated! 😀❣️-
Well said and much appreciated in these tense and sometimes lonely days..turning to the arcade is a fun lil treat..we all treasure👏🎆🎁
Rosa, it’s on page 2 in Community Arcade. It starts out Happy Birthday……….Keep searching and ye shall find………..
Thanks so much for the help! I’m so glad you are staying put for the summer with all the danger with hotel rooms and such. However the news from Florida is definitely alarming, and when I hear of it on the news, I worry–about you and xango, and my nephew who, 2 years ago moved to the Orlando area.
Rosa, the birthday thread is just below the one for Trivia tonight. Thanks to Sheba, she sent it here. Hope you find it OK. For some reason it was in “Talk Among Yourselves.” (TAY for short). Enjoy the replies.
I am also concened with xango.She has been MIA for at least a couple of weeks. I’m hoping she and her husband are OK. Her husband is employed at a Military Hospital. Hopefully, she will be back next week.
Right now I am glad we are not returning North. Need to wait and see on this pandemic. Afraid of hotel rooms and eating out. Also being in Florida, we may not be able to find rooms out of state for an overnight stay. NYC is contemplating letting Floridians in, and the other New England States may not be that far behind. Not a good time to travel.
The second highest is 20-29, then 40-49.
Goodnight Oodiebom and all Trivia Players. Enjoy your evening and please be safe.
Goodnight Sheba. See you next week. Stay well and be safe.
The mask wearing is the same here. People seem to be oblivious to reality. They think it with never happen to them. The highest cases of COV19 are in the ages 30-39 in MN.
SanibellSheller I just don’t get it. Maybe because I’m OLD! My Mom always asked me why I was a pessimist…I always said, I’m just a realist. The virus is out there, lurking and just waiting to jump on people. I don’t want to let it jump on me!
Or me..or any of us😳
Bad storm…lost my internet for a bit.
Glad you are OK. Internet can be replaced, human life——impossible.
Oh…and tomorrow is the first day of Summer and the longest day!
and 1 year since friend Donna passed away. I can’t even believe it’s a year.
Oh my goodness, pipman. I cannot believe it’s been a year. I remember thinking she may make it and then a few days later heard she wasn’t doing well. Hard to believe it’s a year. Also did not know about Orlando airport. There is quite a bit of news in Florida that we are not privy to and I have to admit, this may be one of them. Over 3K tested positive today in Florida alone. When I go shopping, sometimes I am the only person wearing a mask and practicing social distancing. I also carry antibacterial soap and use it often. The only places, thus far requiring a mask are some of the retail stores and definitely Costco. It surprises me, then again maybe it doesn’t surprise me that the governors of some of these States are reluctant to ask their citizens to wear a mask to prevent others from getting exposed to this virus As I said before, there are many who believe that this is no worse than the common flu or cold and what we hear on the news are anything but the truth. I am still afraid to stay overnight in a hotel room or have dinner out. For these reasons we are staying put in Florida for now. Not heading North anytime soon.
OODIEBOM I must say, here in my area of Los Angeles, people are REALLY good about having the masks on in stores. I was to 4 groceries, Home Depot, Costco this week. And now the gov has said they need to be worn statewide. Fine with me. I have resolved myself to them being here for a long time. Heck, with even cold season coming up, I HOPE everyone keeps wearing them.
It’s been eleven months since my hubby passed😔. Sorry for your loss pipman
Well you’ve almost made it a year without your husband and you’re to be commended for soldiering on without him, doing whatever you have to. I know that was not an easy eleven months, but you are still here and making it work. I admire that.
samslilangel… Whew. It’s really tough and you are short of a year yet. I cannot believe that Mom is 51/2 years gone, Dennis 3 years in July, Ozzie the Wonder Dog 2 years in August, neighbor will be 2 years in December and Donna now a year.
I keep being torn between thinking that they are all just in the next room/next door and yet seems like a million years since I got to talk to any of them.
I remember everything you went through with Donna. I remember Dennis also.
God be with you enjoy your stroll this evening.
Always remember them in your heart. 🌹
You have lost much these past 3 years. Congratulations on surviving that.
Sam, it hasn’t been easy for you either. I’m glad your days are filled with laughter and love from your children and grandchildren.
The weekly ramble…
What I have been fiddling with right now tonight is, making a mask. I am certainly not a tailor or a sewing genius but I do have a machine (that I bought years ago for basic repairs) and saw a site with a mask that I liked (I know there are billions of sites and types). I had some very old scraps of fabric (why I don’t know) and happened to have just a bit of 1/4″ elastic (which is virtually impossible to now find, other than online), so gave it a try. Gotta say, I impressed myself! Slower than molasses doing it but got the sample done. The fabric size is good BUT should have used a longer length of elastic (it’s pretty tight). A nose piece can be added (another impossible thing to find, plastic coated garden wire) and there is an opening at the bottom for an additional layer of filter material (I am using brown cone style coffee filters in the masks I have). I’m gonna try another with some other scraps and make the elastic an inch longer on each side this time…OR, put string ties on to try (think I would hate that but will try).
I will try and improvise her site name…” eat pray create ” with the usual “commercial” 3 letter ending.Spent the week mostly assembling my “assets and liabilities” onto a spread sheet and then am going to go see the accountant next week to see what he thinks about me retiring. Looks like I am about 75/25 right now. The flying assigned to our base for July was GRUESOME and ugly. Then there was the story this week about 75% of the Orlando airport workers testing positive! Yikes!
Hmmm……….I know it’s a bit early for the next question, but I went to the Rewards Store and what did I find???????? NO TRIVIA QUESTION……………..Wonder if there is really no question, or if the team felt humiliated over the last question and our responses. Guess we will never know………
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
115 Replies
06.21.20 7:45 AM
19 Participants