It’s Friday Night, TIME FOR TRIVIA!!!!!!!
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
Good Evening Oodiebom and all Trivia Players. Let’s have a good evening.
Good Evening and I love the Globe.
Happy Friday!!!
And a Happy TGIF to you Tracie
Hi FBN. Wish I knew what they were playing……….For some reason cannot hear a thing……….
Route for 200 tickets
Good Friday evening everybody! No trivia questions tonight? Hope everyone is staying well & in high spirits.
Hi debhlynn. Trivia started a little late tonight. The first question should still be in the Rewards Store
Route. Hey y’all
Hi sami. How are you?
Good Evening. 🌹
Got it just in time. Hi, everybody! 🌻 😃
Good Evening RosaTowwen. How is Ca. tonight?
I don’t really know except for what I see on the news. People are eager to get out and stuff is opening up. I turn 69 on Sunday and therefore I am staying home except for grocery shopping because I want to be around long enough to see my 70th.
❤️ Thanks!
Born on “Flag” Day. What a great way to celebrate. Hope you have a great day and do something special even if it means being home.
Yes, thank you! I always celebrate all month by treating myself to things I ordinarily would hold back on.
What a great idea. You will be opening presents all month long. I love it !!!! 🙂 !!!!!! Hope you purchase things that you will absolutely love and adore today, tomorrow and always.
Rosa… Happy Birthday! I’m with ya! As stuff opens, I really understand that I just done need anything but groceries. Good news is that most Goodwill have opened so I do want to start donating stuff!
Yellow. Hey OODIE!!! 👩🏻🦰♥️😇
Hey Sami, are you and the family OK?
Istanbul. I’m fine OODIEBOM! How r u doin’?
I’m doing OK.
Hello all!
Cooled off in So Cal from our warmer temps we had…much better! Supposed to be mid 70’s in my area for the next week. 🤞
SO when I was putting in the last answer I noticed that there was a code for 10 off of a purchase. I couldn’t believe it! I haven’t seen one of those in forever. And it turned out I had put in an order today (TRYING not to spend money on “stuff”). I canceled the order and resubmitted it with the 10 bucks off. Yay! My wild purchase is for the New Image Core Magic Upper Body Toner (695-361)…want to give it a try.
Hi Pipman. Almost called the dogs out to look for you. Glad you are going to have much mildter temps next week. Florida will be in the 90s with very humid days.
OODIEBOM LOL! Well, at least that humidity should be good for your skin!
Speaking of dogs…does anyone out there get the comic (ya, I know, it has to be in a newspaper) “Red & Rover” by Brian Bassett. I LOVE that strip!!!! Rover the dog reminds me of our guy so much.
Sheba2011 That’s them! I stumbled on the site that they are on GoComics dot c o m …had to call my neighbor and tell her. She brings me the local comics everyday. The one I cut out and put on my desk is from June 11th…It reminds me so much of Ozzie (my pic).
Do you still have the little guy……..
OODIEBOM Sadly, no. At 18.5 I had to send him over the Rainbow Bridge in August of 2018. His ashes are next to Dennis’ on my nightstand.
Now that you might be retiring, you may want something at home with you. Dog is good company, Also good for socializing. Also good for getting you out and about.
OODIEBOM That is what several people are saying but…I don’t know if I could stand to go through the heartbreak of losing a dog again, at some age. OR if the dog out lived me! Both of those thoughts choke me up. So I will probably just play with other’s doggies…there are many in the neighborhood.
Oh my goodness! My little Kramer’s ashes sit next to my husband’s also. 💕
RosaTowwen It’s weird but having those ashes there is, well, kind of comforting.
I NEVER thought that I would ever say that but here we are.
Yes, it’s become a new reality, adjusting to a life you did not expect, but you have to find your new happy, wherever it might be. And it is a bit comforting. Sounds like your finding some happy in exercising and congratulations for that! That is something people usually dread and resign themselves to, so you’re ahead of the game.
Yeah, I looked at that with some interest also. Let us know how you like it. Btw, the number is 685-381, cause I know you don’t want Jessica Simpson Embellished High Heel Sandals, lol.
Gotta correct myself on that correction, lol. If anyone is interested: 695-381
I saw that also. Really like the bike. But it needs to fold and go under the bed. Otherwise no room.
I’m with you on that.
RosaTowwen.. Oops my major bad! 😂 I am really trying to get some forms of exercise going. There are more can’t dos these days than can dos. No getting down on the floor, no stress on the knees, etc. so looking for low impact.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
77 Replies
06.13.20 3:36 AM
9 Participants