Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
This is a HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish for Sheba! I hope you can find lots of ways to treat yourself nice this month because the little things do matter.
(I am going to look for another thread to post birthday wishes just in case.) -
Good night everyone, thank you OODIEBOM for hosting and be careful out there. Wishing all a great week.
xango, wishing you the same. Enjoy the week and stay safe.
Well, it is that time again. No more questions. No more answers. Will see you all next month. Remember when you are out and about to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and continue social distancing. Yes, all of these prevents you from receiving the virus or giving it to someone else. I am writing this because my husband and I have been through it. It is nothing like catching a cold or the flu. This is the worse disease that we have ever been through. Please be careful because I want to see you next week, same time, same place. Good night. Pleasant dreams and happy thoughts.
Sheba, Happy Birthday—–Wednesday, August 5th.
Good night. Sweet dreams
Good night luvsweets. Be well. Feel free to post anytime in this thread if you like. I do check often. Feel better soon. You cannot understand how happy it was to see your post tonight. Take care of yourself.
Thanks to Oodiebom for hosting again and to fbn and Sheba for the pretty decorations. Stay safe, y’all, and to those recovering from health challenges, take it slow. Have a good week.!
Thank you I am dealing with the loss of a family member and i so meant to give you
a shout out earlier. I will make up for it. -
Oh, I am so sad to hear you have to deal with that loss. That is rough. I understand it is going to be your birthday this Wednesday. I hope you are able to celebrate a little bit, and that’s why I believe that a birthday month is a great idea. Take the entire month of August and find little moments to be kind to yourself, Even though this coming week may have its difficulties, there may be some opportunity the next week or the one after to find some joy somewhere. I wish that for you. Take care.
Goodnight FBN. I think we all had a good evening. Take care of yourself and be careful as the hurricane approaches.
Oh DEBDOO, glad you joined us, even at the last minute. Have a great week.
Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!
DEBDOO, you as well.
I fell asleep, lol. Sweet dreams my friend. ♡
Same to you my friend…
Yeah I did have fun. Sending you a shout out.
Good night.
Anthonydesignoriginals. Gnight! Blessed be trivia pals
Oodiebom goodnight. Goodnight and be safe to all the Trivia Players.
Hello everyone. I’m just in and out to answer questions. As of 12:01 AM Eastern tonight, I am retired from my 36.5 years in my dream job. It is VERY emotional and yup, I’ve been crying all week. There are 17,000 exiting the company tonight (4100+ flight attendants) and there are emotional posts being made to our company portal site (that we will be locked out of tonight). Right now scrambling to get photos and website links off of my company phone before I send it back.
pipman I am sure you will
be much happier down the road!! -
Pipman, Congrats on the retirement! Having extra time on your hands to be with your family will, I’m sure, turn out to be a blessing. So glad you’ll be safe too. Enjoy every minute. If you feel the urge later, you could always fly part-time when things are safer for everyone. This will be the 1st day of a new life for you. So happy for you. Take care, relax & enjoy.
Well, congratulations are certainly in order, though I realize it must be emotional for you. It seems that fate (in the form of COVID) stepped in to hurry your retirement along. At least you are safer now and had the chance to work at your dream job for several decades–36 years–amazing!
pipman welcome to a new beginning where everyday is Saturday and every night is Friday. I have been where you are today and in a sense happy that I didn’t have to deal with a manager that had on feelings for others, but sad, like you, leaving a job that I enjoyed. Believe me when I say you will find other things to take the place of the job you loved. Somedays you will wonder how you ever got through those days, but trust me when I say there will be better tomorrows. You have made a wonderful decision. Just wish your company appreciated you more.
Good evening all! Hope everyone is doing well. Forgot it was Trivia night & missed the beginning. Thanks so very much for your good wishes & prayers. No blockages & NO chest pain whatsoever. Wrist is still very sore typing. Complete exhaustion is still the major problem but they’re checking it out. Will be praying for all in the path of the hurricane. Keep safe & well. Thanks Oodiebom for always starting trivia for us.
Really glad to hear you are on the mend. Stay safe and God bless.
Thanks for checking in debhlynn7. There is another person in Community who had a similar procedure like you. She felt better, but tired easily as well. Don’t fret too much. I think it’s the body’s way telling you not to overdo anything and to rest often. Think of it this way. You get a bug that lasts say about a week or ten days. But for some reason you just don’t feel yourself. You drag around. No pep. No energy. Fever is gone. So, why don’t I feel well enough to do the things I need to do. Answer is the body got a beating. The procedure went well. However, the outside heals quickly. The inside does not see the sunshine, so healing takes a lot longer. Have patience and take each day as it comes. One day you will wake up and the world looks different. Just do not push yourself when the body isn’t ready for pushing. Take care of yourself and do everything in moderation. Hope this helps.
It sure does Oodie; guilt is always there so this really helped. Thanks for the answers everyone. I was clueless tonight.
Deb, don’t ever feel guilty because you can’t move and want to either remain in bed or move from one chair to another. Take baby steps and then increase it every so often so that you are not staying in one position too long.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
127 Replies
08.05.20 11:47 PM
22 Participants