Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
The answer is August 2 1776 , however it will not take ?
Welcome red16 to our fun trivia night. Hope to see you again next week. Have a safe 4th.
Thank you for everything and all the help! I will have major surgery and see you all soon. Have a safe and blessed 4th of July!🇺🇸
I wish you well. I just saw your post. We will worry until we hear from you. Just take it one day at a time and one step at a time. You will certainly be in our thoughts and prayers.
Goodnight Oodiebom and all Trivia Players. Have a good and safe July 4th.
For RosaTowwen… I owed you some comments regarding the New Image Core Magic for upper body exercises. I like it! I just need to get into a real routine with it. There are 3 videos online that one can follow, easy, medium and heavy exercises. I just got this week, an optional handle that they have. Not a lot to do with it but it was less than 10 bucks off of Amazon and I had other stuff to order. Several exercises I can do, in reasonable control and some others show how pathetically weak I am!
Thanks for the feedback on that, pipman, and a happy holiday weekend to you!
Happy July 4th be safe and enjoy your family. 😎🌹
Thanks, Sheba, and may you have a wonderful week and festive celebration!
I hope you saw the replies I submitted a couple of weeks ago for my birthday wishes. It meant a lot to me and I just really love your creativity! ❤️
Another trick question?
I was thinking the same thing. No matter how I answer it’s wrong.
Have a safe, healthy & happy birthday, VelveteenRabbit7!
Thank you so much Deb!
OODIEBOM The walk was good! I got it out of the way early, so I can get a bit to eat and make a run to the grocery store…for cat and dog food! Was there last night and forgot. I’ve been feeding neighbors 2 outside wild cats for almost 2 weeks (Milo and Pumpkin). Another neighbor doesn’t feel well and I’ll get her dog some food.
We had a HORRIBLE month of “June Gloom”! Heavy clouds until 1-4PM… As I always predict, between July 1-4, clouds are gone. I though when I got up this morning and it was clear, yup, right on schedule.
Wow, what a nice thing to do. At first I thought you decided to have a couple of little monsters running around. Guess you haven’t given in as yet. I vowed when my cat passed away 12 or more years ago I would not have another animal. Well, guess who is changing her mind. I miss having a furry thing running around and getting in my way. However, where we are living now they require no pets of any kind and that includes gold fish. I wonder what they would say when they see the two or three gecko’s in my lanai. LOL
You have definitely made the right decision. You will find that you are busier now than when you were employed. But, in this case, it’s everything you enjoy and it’s at your own pace. When ready, why not take a look at TESLA. It may be an interesting thing. Just a thought.
I love my furry felines! Lost three and one got to be 19 years. I said the same thing, no more! I believe, I have a sign on the roof. Have furry friends at my backdoor and one is watching TV with me. He will come in, as soon as I am able to. I wonder, if my little old fruit bat told him, there is a vacancy?🐾😂
Luvsweets I am ready for a new pet. My last one was a stray that showed up one day. A talker he was. Ask a question he answered you. Loved a car ride now and then. But stop for a red light he would meow incessantlky. He was diagnosed with HIV. He lived only 13 years.
Happy Birthday to Velvet!!!!!!
Thanks Pipman and I hope you enjoy your retirement.
Velvet… Well, for a while. I’m already thinking of some menial job like stocking cans on shelves! Until I get SS, which will be February of 2022, some supplement would help, so that I don’t have to take much from savings.
Back from the walk…suppose it was about 2.75 miles. I finally figured out how to listen to some podcasts while walking. THAT has been a great way to not get bored. I also had a couple pair of Bluetooth earbuds, that I got from the H or Q several years ago (?) but didn’t even have a device capable of using them. Charged them and they still work. Yay!
Yes, I failed to go back and post last week, so ya’all get this week. I officially submitted my request to retire from my airline. I am wholly convinced that being in that cabin is just asking to get sick. And without naming names, I work for the one that just added beer and wine back to First Class and the comfort section of coach. The company has managed covid very smartly but this decision, I (and friends), feel is a bad decision. Alcohol and there is no food. They already are now “sipping” their beer can, of course the mask is off (from numerous posts to a company blog). My 2 cents. I think I listened to at least 7 conference calls/webinars about retirement this week, until I was numb. Also met with my accountant. I have a call coming on Monday from a planner at Fidelity, to make sure I understand pension, payouts, 401K, etc.
I activated a new phone…that had been sitting here since February of 2017. I just never got around to doing it, didn’t have a clue how to do it, etc. I always depended on Dennis for stuff like that. I even had to manually write down all my numbers because the Google sync stopped working in 2018. So, got it up and running…seems to be good. Motorola Moto4 Play.
Now for fun this weekend…taxes. I’ve not started yet!
To all that said a hello earlier, I’m giving ya back a bulk hello, until I scroll the thread.
Pipman, congrats on a smart move. I know with your wisdom in seeing to all this, you’ll have a great retirement. Best wishes to you!
VelveteenRabbit7 Happy Birthday to you 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍧🍧🍨🍨🍨🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
Thanks Xsngo, I love cake and ice cream !
Happy 4th to all ✌🎆
Happy Birthday, Velvet! 🎂🍾🎈🎉
Thank you Rosa!
Happy Birthday Velvet!!!!
It’s great to see you Melch. Thanks and I hope you have a great 4th!
Hi Melch and welcome again to Trivia. Miss seeing you.
Hello Rosatowwen, Happy Fourth.
Hello, xango, and the same to you! 🎉
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
133 Replies
07.04.20 6:39 AM
19 Participants