Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
Good Evening everyone, I hope all are well.
Good evening xango. Looks like we may get some rain finally tomorrow. We really need it…..
OODIEBOM, it has rained here everyday for a good week. There are days we don’t see the sun.
Are you and your husband heading up North anytime soon? Or is it best just to stay down here. -
One day we are leaving, the next day the news isn’t that good and staying in a hotel and eating out is just too scary right now. We haven’t decided one way or the other. Right now we are here and I’m happy not to be up North. At least this house has air conditioning which the North does not. We just have a window unit. Besides the heat and humidity here is much different than the North. Seems to be drier. Besides, I would really miss our Farmer’s Market with all the fresh produce and veggies. The prices are good also.
Oh, forgot to mention. We haven’t seen a drop of rain in a week or so. We are 16″ below the norm.
Bubblinbobbiray. No space between words
Hi fern and thanks for the answer. That’s three one words on a match……
Deblynn, a nice surprise and the best ever outcome. Take it easy for as long as necessary. Thank you for posting the wonderful news. I also believe in miracles.
Haven’t heard from Luvsweets deb. Hope she is OK.
Good evening all. Prayers were answered, Praise the LORD! Angiogram showed no blockage so no stent had to be used as was 6 yrs. ago. I truly believe the LORD took it away as He did with a lump many yrs. ago. Placement & size of lump was given by dr. but when they did ultrasound, no lump was found. Dr. was very upset as he said he felt the lump; he knew it had been there. He truly didn’t believe it was a miracle in answer to prayers. We knew the truth tho. Two miracles in one lifetime. How blessed. Sincere thanks to all who prayed for me. Wrist is very sore, but sure beat the groin for access. Won’t be posting much as I’m supposed to just rest the wrist. Thank you with all my heart friends for your help.
This is wonderful news Deb! In so happy things worked out so well. Thanks for letting us know and please get some rest and take care of yourself. ♡
I am so happy for you, debhlynn, for the results that you got!
Good evening homeshopperduck. Hope you had a great week. I not only believe in miracles but angels as well.
Wishin’ and hopin’ and praying that everyone is well or on their way to being well this evening.
My sore throat is gone, which a attribute to Manuka Honey & lots of rest. 😄
That’s great news, Sanibel, that you’re feeling so much better! Sometimes the simple things like Manuka honey and lots of rest can combine to accomplish a lot. 😀
SanibelSheller, so glad your throat is better. Anyone hear how Luvsweets is doing?
See you tried my antidote. One thing you should know; it doesn’t often work on coughs. But sore throats, no matter how severe, gone within hours. Amazing…….
Yes and it tastes great too.
Again, no space.
Sorry I am Late….Bad Storm.
You found Alice! LOL
Good evening Velve. Hope you had a nice birthday celebration. Those fireworks were beautiful this year.
I sure did…lmbo!!
for the nice words everyone.
I saw the handwriting in the sky called Fay. She’s the reason why we didn’t get our rain chance in Florida all week. Hoping for some drops tomorrow and lower humidity.
Hi FBN. Guess the wind is pretty bad out there along with the rain. Hope your power stays on. No fun without wifi and cable.
Thanks for this one, fbn, ’cause Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorites–especially the Chesire Cat! 😀
Good evening to you Rosa. Looks like another adventure in Trivia tonight.
Hello to you, Oodiebom! It seems that the questions are tougher tonight, which is fine because it does become more of an adventure.
I see Alice is chasing Chesire up the tree. 🤣 Love it.
Stay safe fbn 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hello Everyone, I hope all that are having scheduled or non-scheduled surgeries go VERY well!! I hope everyone have a fun Friday night 🎉🎉🎉
You have to write “SarahAnderson” with no space between the words.
A big hello to pbjelly and MamaCK. Hope you both are enjoying Trivia.
Hi and Thank You @oodiebom… I’m usually here, just quiet most of the time
Pina Colada Day 😎
Thanks Sheba for the Colada. This used to be one of my favorite drinks until everyone began serving it day and night on the Caribbean and in the air.
Is anyone else having trouble answering trivia?
Hi Sue and welcome. One reason we have this thread is for the answers. Sometimes you have to think out of the box. Yes, I was one who had a problem. Couldn’t understand why my answer would not take even though it was correct. Sanibel figured it out. So, there was no hair pulling this time. LOL
yes, a Rockette?
Greetings bbco and kh927 and welcome to Friday night.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
95 Replies
07.11.20 3:34 AM
19 Participants