Hi all and welcome to some fun on the last day of January. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
Hmm, I thought I saw pipman hanging around. Guess he is too busy preparing supper to say hello.
Ok fine…I’ll say Hi!
Just doing “stuff”. Going to have a large salad for dinner, so about ready to get started on that.
Oh pip. I love picking on you. I was wondering where you were and if you made it home safely.
I was actually home today… had the car in for oil change and for them to check a belt. Still working on boxing up Christmas stuff and…cringing…fall and Halloween pile still sitting in a room. Want to get everything packed and then, with some help, it all goes under the house. We are having a couple days in the mid to high 70’s so want to do stuff outside.
Just be careful, that’s all I ask.
Whoo-hoo! 400 extra tickets thanks to you guys! Just ran in from errands and grocery shopping just in time for the 6pm and 6:30 questions and ma’ brain just wasn’t working. Howdy to everybody in trivia-land!
Howdy, and welcome to Trivia.
Sorry to hear about the criticism from your mother in law. You are really blessed to have such a helpful husband and partner, who will be there sharing in the load of housework long after she has returned home. My husband was a sweetheart and helpful like that, and two days ago marked the 5th year of his passing. I miss him terribly though I was lucky to have been married to him for 25 wonderful years.
@rosatowwen, thank you. It’s just wrong timing this time around. My mother inlaw has been enjoying my cooking and staying with us /me during the winters for a good 22 years. I say me because when my husband was in the Navy, out on sea duty for 8-12 months she would come for the winter also. She has gotten less mobile and I have to do everything, which I don’t mind only this time unfortunately my back didn’t cooperate.
Wow, 22 years, that’s a lot to handle! She is lucky to have such a giving–and tolerant daughter in law.
And a huge Hi Ya to you as well RosaTowwen. Seems like you and Sam have something in common tonight. I did mine a couple of days ago. By the way, speaking of groceries, I picked up a new type of melon. It’s called Galia. It seems it is a cross between a cantaloupe and a honeydew. But the flavor is oh so different. Really good and it’s so easy to tell when it’s ripe. When you purchase this melon the outer skin should be green. When it starts to change color to an orange it is ripe enough to dig into.
Lol OODIEBOM! Your Mellon sounds delicious
Sam, it was absolutely delicious. It’s on the small side. No where the size of a cantaloupe or a honeydew. I’m thinking it would make a nice melon soup. I usually use winter melon, but this has a great flavor and would enhance anything made with it. If I’m near the farmer’s market tomorrow may pick up another one. Then again, I have two huge cantaloupes to go through.
Mmm, sounds like a tasty melon and thanks for the info.
By the way Sanibel, I googled the McLain’s honey mustard and found it less expensive on line. I think I will wait until we return to New England before putting in an order.
Right on!
Oodiebom, thank you for all the advise and ideas. How have you been? Enjoying our warm climate?
I am fine. Been a little on the cool side lately for Florida, but I am not complaining. We do need some rain and I guess we will see some over the weekend and maybe into Monday. Still working on the house and moving some furniture around. Nothing earth shattering.
Good Evening Tuti.
Hi Tracie19 and welcome to Trivia.
Hi, and thanks!
Hope you enjoy the game and the camaraderie here.. Don’t be a stranger.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
109 Replies
02.07.20 2:22 AM
11 Participants