it’s nearing that 8:00 pm hour. Hmm.. it’s Friday night…… Then it’s GAME TIME—-YEAH !!!! IT’S TRIVIA TIME !!!
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….
Can you say it? I tried and forget it! You have some very intelligent people here. Thank you for helping!
Hello John, that’s very interesting speaking several languages. Which languages do you speak? Must be fun knowing more than one.
Spanish, German, English and some other Latin American languages. My wife speaks several too and it nice to stay quiet and then the look on some people faces. I worked for a company and I traveled being bilingual pays pretty good.
Sounds fantastic, I speak Portuguese, Spanish, English, and some French and Italian. I am always fascinated by languages .
We are too, my wife wanted to be a certified translator and then I got in the way. We love different cultures and embrace their food and customs. French and Spanish have quite some similar words. We are all connected somehow. My wife loves foreign films and our son in law know, when she was visiting. Subtitles!!!!
You guys are impressive, with all those languages! I envy that–studied some Spanish and Russian and French in high school but never became fluent in any of them.
We are all connected and the best way to learn, is to visit the countries. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
Rosatowwen, I love languages, and I find it easier than mathematics. Of course, every job I had in the fanatical system I had to use my mathematical skills. Which by the way is limited.
Lol, isn’t that the way it goes! My only D in school was in geometry, and I always aced the language classes.
My wife is very good with math and worked at a Fortune 500 company. She is not an office person though, but did pretty good. She loved retail and she loves to talk to people. She has an accounting background. Good night
Thank you so much, that’s a tongue twister. I speak a few languages, but still can’t pronounce this name.
They’ve used this one before John.
Wish I could take credit for knowing it, I just know how to get answers…lol -
Thank you though!
ty! none of mine were working!
W/o SIRI I could never spell it.
Good evening everyone
Hi ya oneforme. Hope you are warm and comfy.
Thank you, would have never guessed it. Florida man!
Suppy is out in some parts of Florida. We have a number to use to get our name in. They will contact us when they have the vaccine. I received an e-mail from Costco yesterday. They will contact you when they start receiving the vaccines. You do not have to be a member to sign up or to get the vaccine. CVS has started in some states. Just go to their website. I think CVS will be using Moderna since the refrigeration is something they can deal with. As for us, we are on a wait list. We are also thinking we may go the Johnson & Johnson route with the one shot. Need to see how they do first with the tests.
We are waiting, we both got really sick from the last flu shot. I was in the hospital with fluids in the lungs overnight. All we can do, pray and hope they do their best.
John, there is a medical form you have to complete and bring with you the day of the first shot. They do ask those questions about other vaccines you received and if there were any problems. The last I heard about Florida is that they are now asking for proof of residency and IDs for same.
Read tonight that Canada is closing their borders again beginning Sunday. Only their main airports will remain opened. They are stopping flights to the Caribbean, Africa, England and elsewhere. They have asked all their residents overseas to return home ASAP. Once in Canada, they will be tested for Covid. If they have Covid they will be escorted to an area for quarantine. If they test negative they can go home, but will have to quarantine for two weeks. Foreigners will have to quarantine in a hotel for two weeks if they are negative. Wish the USA would follow suit. -
Sounds like Canada is doing it right–Australia and New Zealand too. The tennis tournament is this week in Australia, and the news showed stands full of people with no masks. They have had almost 2 weeks with no infections at all. They also have very strict protocols, and they seem to be effective.
Yes, I agree, but that ship sailed! I am a veteran and will be notified. My wife will be the complex patient, she always breaks the norm. Thank you for the info, we moved a little up and are not in Florida anymore. We visit, well a while ago.
I’m like your wife, complex. Have food and ot her allergies. I will take the shot and see what happens. Maybe this one will surprise me, just like getting sea legs.
I let her know, she is not alone! She became a study case at Vanderbuilt university, they never seen a case like hers. You take care of yourself and wait for the right one!
So many are scrambling to get the vaccine, it’s just getting crazier than before the vaccine was available–because the supply is so short. I am just going to lay low and wait for my local pharmacy to make an appointment, like with the flu shot. It seems once Johnson and Johnson becomes widely available, things will change fast, and suddenly opportunity will be everywhere, with 3 vaccines available.
I heard rich S American people are flying into Florida and paying to get moved to front of the line. That is so unfair.
Money talks. That will never change. It’s sad, but true.
No falls for me OODIEBOM…lol
Hello and good evening, it’s good to see y’all-
We have freezing rain & snow forecasted here for tonight. That is the worst for slippery conditions.
Will everyone here be getting the vaccine? If you have gotten it already are there any side effects? The supply here in Ohio is very low and we cannot even register to get an appointment to get the shot.
Just got my vaccination last weekend with no problems. They made the 2nd appt while I was there to return next month for the next dose. Hope that Ohio gets moving.
Good evening Ripley.
Hey, Odiebom. Just trying to stay warm. It’s 21 degrees and I just walked both dogs. We’re all glad to be back inside.
Ripley, bet they will have to go out one more time. Is there a way you can open a back door and let them out in a yard?
Great idea, but they have to be leashed where we live. My husband is doing the next walk. It’s now 17 degrees!
Thank you. I have possums, squirrels, deer’s and Chayote to worry about.
Sounds like my backyard in Ct…..
We don’t mine some, but the coyote need to stay in the woods.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
158 Replies
02.02.21 11:40 PM
14 Participants