Good Evening All. For all the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time limit. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever. Most of all sit back, relax and have a great evening.
I am very tired so I will say Good Night to all, I hope everyone have a great weekend and the rest of your week. Stay safe out there everyone.
@oodiebom. those are good suggestions. We are taking her out to dinner this weekend. And since the weather is going to be the 80’s this coming week. We ‘ll do some outing somewhere.
Now I can hardly keep my head up, so I will say good night. I am going to get something to eat and them sit on the couch. I may come back in on my pad if I don’t fall asleep. -
So got home, unloaded the car and was freezing in the house. I know…but 66 inside and 56 outside is cold for us. Got into my Comfy, sleep pants, slippers, flipped on my Duraflame and got wine. 😁
@pipman. Did you eat anything?????
@oodiebom Not yet but was just thinking about it (7:15 here). Think a hamburger, cheese, a piece of bacon, onion and arugula.
@pipman. This is one time I will not ask for a small morsel. Enjoy your hamburger since I limit myself on red meat. I love the veggies, but where is the tomato????
@sheba2011 I just finished off a glass, so now think it’s time to eat. My appetizer was Trader Joe’s Veggie Chips and hummus.
Knock, knock… I will take some for Oddiebom too.
Enjoy your evening and stay warm. Cold and snow coming to OZ tonight.
@sheba2011. Thanks Sheba for thinking of me. But I think I will pass. I have a tall cup of chicken broth that I’m nursing. For some reason I am on the cool side.
Good evening ev1 & Happy New Year!
Sheba fbn135 pipman Velvet Sanibel and all the rest of you lovely people!
Blessed be 😇-
Hi Sam. Saw you were on earlier. I wish there was a way to say hello when we see the avatar. Guess that’s wishful thinking on my part. Hope you had a good week.
Hello good to see you. 🙂
Good evening everyone. I was late to the first question but, with your help, I was able to punch in the answer just in time–so, thanks!
Hi Rosa, hope you had a great week.
I did, thank you, and I hope you had a good week also.
Hey from the South Bay!
Hey there Pipman! It’s funny, but often I open the doors and windows because my house is colder inside than it is outside!
@oodiebom, hello to you. Hope you are doing well. Mother in-law (86 yrs) is staying here for about 36 days and I have cooking and cleaning away. it’s only been one and a half week so far but, I am so tired and wondering if I could make it to the end today.
@xango. Oops, I answered you above. Oh well. What I was saying is that some mother-in-laws, no matter their age, love to help, even if it’s a small part. Don’t let these 36 or whatever days she is with you go to waste. I’m sure she would love it.
@ oodiebom, Oh yes she does want to help. And there were on many occasions she did over the 35 years. However did had heart surgery, and has been ill. Now she walks with the help on a walker. She is a lovely lady and wants to do things. I just been here with her 24-7 since she got here.
@xango. Understood. However, try not to act like she is a burden. Maybe have her cut veggies at the kitchen table. Add spices to the dinner. Things she can do while sitting. If she has never been to your new home, maybe a nice sightseeing trip in the car. Just a few suggestions.
@oodiebom. those are good suggestions. We are taking her out to dinner this weekend. And since the weather is going to be the 80’s this coming week. We ‘ll do some outing somewhere.
Now I can hardly keep my head up, so I will say good night. I am going to get something to eat and them sit on the couch. I may come back in on my pad if I don’t fall asleep. -
@xango. See you later.
Driving… about 15 minutes from home.
When you pull into the driveway, the first answer is crochet
Be safe!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
75 Replies
01.11.20 4:51 AM
9 Participants