Because there have been issues in the Arcade all week with games not accessible, I just want to give you a head’s up that the games do play. However, you do have to fiddle a little. On my computer I do have an arrow in the upper left hand corner that helps to reload a game in case it doesn’t materialize. You will have to wait for the game to reload. You also may have problems going into the Rewards Store or into Community. For some reason when you mouse on to the area you want, it does not work. I suggest you go out of HSN altogether and re-enter. You may have to re-sign in, but at least you are back in business. If there are any issues while the game is playing, please do not hesitate to ask. I hope this helps.
NOTE: For those of you who do not have a reload arrow in the left hand corner, just press the right button on your mouse. That should bring up the reload sign. Just mouse on it and wait a few minutes. Your game should reload.
I used to have a lot of problems with Arcade when I used Safari. I switched to Chrome & it is much better now.
I received a call from family with wonderful news and we talked for a while. Then I went into the kitchen and got me some dinner. Just finished . Oodiebom, it certainly was a warm filled with sunshine day.
The weekend for you is starting off great. 💕🌹
Sheba, yes it is, I am wishing and sending you some warm weather.
Please send some warm air. 💕🌹
Congrats on the wonderful news, and connecting with family–that does make for a sunshiny day!
Thank you Rosatowwen.
Finally, “a beautiful day in our neighborhood. ” Still not sure of all of next week. The weather people keep changing the forecast.
OODIEBOM, at least we will be having some rain everyday this coming week. We are going to be from mid. to hight 70’s for the entire week. That’s a plus after having those cold days and very cold nights. I don’t have to cover my plants, which I hate doing.
I’m envious. It is 7 here with a wind chill of -13. 🥶
Oh Sanibelsheller, I have family in Minnesota and I feel for you 8n that cold.
Sanibel, try Florida in the winter. We do get cold spells. But I think the coldest it has been was in the mid 30s to low 40s. With the wind it felt like 20s. But in Florida, the cold spells only last a few days. Next week we will back in the 70s, I think. Weather people keep changing their minds.
Gigi, if you cannot find your points try going out and deleting history then return, sign in and try going to arcade. Your points should appear. If by chance, after giving the correct answer you do not see the points, then return to games and you will see the 200 pts. added to your score. Hope this helps.
I tried every version of sea foam that I could and it hasn’t accepted it yet. As one word, two words, all caps and as SeaFoam, still nothing.
I was getting nervous about running out of time. I was just typing in flower names . Thanks for the that answer.
Thank you Peggyt13
Welcome brattoo. Nice to see you. Hope to see you often.
Thank you peggy and welcome to Trivia. You joined at the right time. But, I always thought the gardenia was a flower for April since that’s when we see the plant everywhere. Oh well.
I just started thinking of flowers used in corsages since this is Valentines month and came up with gardenia!
Hi obedjudge. Never thought of gardenia. Tried everything else. Wonder where they got gardenia.
The answer is and always has been Violet. Now where are my points??
I do this to `- relax and this doesn’t help. I will be 80 years old on February 8th.
Yup gardenia they used this last year! I remembered it was a white flower…lol
Sami it is a plant with white flowers that has a beautiful scent. I bought the plant once and I had no luck with it.
Thank YOU 😊.. I have tried so many different flowers…
Hi mamack. Missed you .
I noticed that if I sign in here and try to post on reward page ~signed in there seems to be issues. I have missed you too 🤗.. So, I pick my battles or try to by not signing in/posting. It’s ridiculous I have to choose
Mamack sometimes you have to hit reload. I’ve been having problems also. Next time why not ask in the latest trivia area. I may be able to help. I do not think it’s your computer.
HUN, I’ve played that game for waaaay too long. Im on Apple products and I had worked with I.T. on this issue. It’s been a long time. I read along and laugh and enjoy the pictures etc. I pick my battles of not going through on posting especially on Fridays. THANK YOU..
By the way, how are you doing? You always check on everyone… how’s it going for you? -
I’m doing OK, knock on wood. Trying to decide on which vaccine since there are two and soon there will be three.. Guess if there are no problems may head North, though still not sure if it will be the right time. Actually, I am in no hurry to head North,
Thank you!!
Guess everyone is showing up. Good question that brings us all together. May be an incorrect answer, but who cares.
WOW, did you type every flower alphabetically until one worked?
Thank you!
Hi Myra. I see you were in a dither also.
Thanks for that, Peggy! I had run out of guesses. 😀
I tried viola (scientific), pansytoo
I even tried plurals, they didn’t work either.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
155 Replies
02.06.21 5:01 AM
27 Participants