Because there have been issues in the Arcade all week with games not accessible, I just want to give you a head’s up that the games do play. However, you do have to fiddle a little. On my computer I do have an arrow in the upper left hand corner that helps to reload a game in case it doesn’t materialize. You will have to wait for the game to reload. You also may have problems going into the Rewards Store or into Community. For some reason when you mouse on to the area you want, it does not work. I suggest you go out of HSN altogether and re-enter. You may have to re-sign in, but at least you are back in business. If there are any issues while the game is playing, please do not hesitate to ask. I hope this helps.
NOTE: For those of you who do not have a reload arrow in the left hand corner, just press the right button on your mouse. That should bring up the reload sign. Just mouse on it and wait a few minutes. Your game should reload.
it’s nearing that 8:00 pm hour. Hmm.. it’s Friday night…… Then it’s GAME TIME—-YEAH !!!! IT’S TRIVIA TIME !!!😎😎
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Good Evening my friend. We are frozen OZ. Good Evening to all Trivia Players
please stay warm. 😎 -
This might be my last night of original gifs. My
Eyes are really going bad. I have a lot of trouble reading
Words right now. I am writing this ahead of time so I can
explain. If you want to make any comments to me
please keep them short. It takes me forever to read a sentence. Thanks for understanding. -
Oh I am so sorry to hear that. FBN you know I love your work. Please don’t stop posting. 😘🌹
FBN, so sorry to hear this. Let’s hope & pray that something comes down the pike and SOON.
Good evening Sami. Please be extra careful when venturing out.
LOVE to you, fbn, and many prayers for your health! ❤️ ❤️
Hi RosaTowwen and a good evening to you.
Your wonderfully creative gifs bring such happiness to me. You don’t need to use words, your pictures say it all my friend. ♡♡♡
Hi Velveteen. So rightly stated.
Hi Oodie!
Hi Velvet, a sad time for us, it won’t be the same without his beautiful work. 💔
It sure won’t Pookie 🙁
The problem is I have to read to make the gifs…I will still try but not sure if I can anymore….Goodnight sleep tight my friend.
Please don’t give up! I hope you are feeling all the love from everyone here and know the happiness you bring when we see the red Vega. Sleep well my dear friend and sweet dreams. ♡♡♡
Thanks Velvet…I am not giving up…Never!!!
@fbn I enjoy your creations every week and also in between. You have one heck of a great outlook on life. I hope they find you help
XOXOXO My Friend 🤗😘😘🤗 -
Thank you fbn. Stay safe, stay well.
for your kind words everyone…You are all so nice!!!
We just want you to feel the love.
Sorry you are in freeze mode. Sunshine was absolutely gorgeous and temps on the West Coast was in the mid 60s. Rain tonight and possible electrical storms in the am. Forecast for Sunday and the rest of the week questionable. It keeps changing. At least there is no snow, sleet or freezing rain expected. Not sure if it will be cold next week because of the Arctic blast.
I have slept more in the past 3 months than in a very long while, so I’ve decided to hibernate until covid goes away….
Good Evening everyone, I hope you who are in the North stay warm. A big hello to Sheba, Oodiebom, FBN135 and Rosatowwen.
Good evening xango. “Let the sun shine in.” A beautiful day today.
Good evening all.
I got distracted by an email on COVID19 from my county. I was hoping it would identify where I could get a vaccination. No such luck.
Hi Sanibel. Hope you had a great week.
Here is the Sun. 😘💕
ITS 5 degrees here But it feels like -13
Thanks Sheba! 🔥place warm…lol 😇🙏🏻
Hello to Oodiebom, Sheba, Sami, Sanibel, fbn, and xango. 😀
Good Evening good to see you. 😘😎💕
Hello everyone!! So excited to be here tonight.
Hello, melch 77! 😀
Hi Melch. So good to see you..
Good Evening in New York City. 😎🌹
Hi everyone! Happy to see you back this week! I was having trouble with all the games and thought it was my computer. I’m on hubby’s right now, doing a system restore on mine which is upstairs, only to see others are having issues also. Oodiebom, my son developed pneumonia, was in emergency room Monday morning & prescribed a drug called LEVOFOLAXCIN (hope I spelled it correctly). He had very bad side effects and was taken off right away. This is a very bad drug. Just wanted you folks to know about this drug. He is doing much better today but will be off work for a few more weeks. I may not be back here this evening, going back upstairs to check on my computer. (The stairs are a challenge sometimes!) If I don’t come back, have fun, stay safe and see you next Friday!
Best wishes for your son to have a speedy recovery. Hospitals are such scary places to be these days.
I agree about emergency rooms! Always ask the side effects before agreeing to get a medication BEFORE they give it to you. I have 3 nephews who are doctors, 2 in emergency rooms, they do their best to treat patients but go with your instincts before getting treatment! You can always refuse a bad drug! Just wish my son had done that! Medications are great but some are not! Stay safe and hare a great week.
So sorry about your son I hope he makes a full recovery. 🌹
Thank you Sheba. The virus is no joke. Take precautions and stay safe!
Hi Gabbie. I left directions up above in case the arcade is still having problems. I hope your son starts to feel better. No, I never heard of that particular drug. Sometimes a prescription is worse than the infection. Glad they took him off. However, you need to know the ingredients that was in that drug that caused the problem so it doesn’t happen again.
Finally, my computer is up and running! Took awhile. Thanks for the advice and will do that next time!
Well internet says violet and primrose, but neither work.
??? I’ve tried everything. grrr I threw my pillow at the tv.. lol
Hi Boot. That’s funny. Wonder if there is something wrong with Trivia. Games have been yukky all week.
I tried iris, rose–they didn’t work
I even tried plurals, they didn’t work either.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
155 Replies
02.06.21 5:01 AM
27 Participants