“Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays. ”
― Henny Youngman
It’s nearing that 8:00 pm hour. Hmm.. it’s Friday night…… Time for Trivia
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Sheba, I almost posted that one also. Great minds sometimes think alike.
Thank you Sheba.
Love it and I have been married a long time. 😘
Me, also
Sheba, God Bless, and hope you have many, many more years!
I also thought Washington. Lincoln was my second choice. Oh well, 200pt.
Lincoln is their right answer.
I kept posting diff. combinations of Washington and Lincoln and then posted them separately.
Sanibel posted the birthdays of several US presidents.
Good Evening Ripley2. Hope you had a great week.
Once again Trivia is incorrect
George Washington 2/22/1732
Abraham Lincoln 2/12/1809Also Harrison & Regan
Yeah, that answer was a bit confusing.
I don’t know where to post this, but I scored 705. 435 so far. I’m not sure what you mean by the number 25. By the way, the 705 didn’t show my tickets..
Gigi, you are automatically entered into the sweeps when you score above 25. No need to post them.
GiGi, I would give it a few more days since the games just started working either yesterday or today. By the way, Happy belated birthday to you. I left a message on your birthday and Sheba sent some sentiments with some beautiful cards/gifs. Did you see it?, If not, I will bring it up again.
Gigi, the thread for your birthday is on the same page as this one. When I last checked, it was right above this one.
If it’s not in the area I said, try going to TAY (Talk Among Yourselves)
I asked HSN CS and they said you don’t need to post.
oodiebom, love the first paragraph of your post! I needed a good laugh! LOL!
Thanks Gabbie. I see it came at the right time. We need to smile more and frown less. But sometimes circumstances keeps us from doing just that. Don’t forget to notify Social Security. They have a few offices opened but you need an appointment before you go.
Good evening everyone! Happy to see everyone here. Love the pics, I look forward to them each week. Just to let you know, hubby’s identity was compromised. Someone filed an unemployment claim in his name. They had his social security #, drivers license #, birthdate and full name and address! They also said he was the employer & was sent forms for info on his company. He is retired, does not work nor owns or operate a company. Going through to straighten things out. It is happening to a lot of people in Ohio as well as in other states. We have put a freeze on credit reports, cancelled and getting new credit cards, and have notified financial institutions. Still more to notify but it’s the weekend. Always check your bank and credit card statements each month and order a credit report from each credit bureau. Some evil people out there, we are always careful and have no idea where they got his info.
Sorry you have to deal with this, it’s a PIA.
Hi velve. And it is a PIA
Thanks Velvet, It is a PIA!
That’s awful, Gabbie, sorry you have to go through that.
Thanks RosaTowwen, it happen to a friend of mine in Ohio AND her daughter who lives in Kansas this week also. I just wonder how they were able to get all that information on each person.
Sometimes, when you don’t shred info like a bill, social security info, etc.. they find out. Check the info on your hubby on line by using first and last name. And also vice versa. You should also notify your local police dept. Have virus software on your computer that you trust. Norton is now with LifeLock or whatever it is called where they can do some searches as well. Now that we have Cell Phones anything can happen.
Thanks for the info Oodiebom, my shredder works overtime each day. We don’t pay bills online and don’t put any personal info online. Mind boggoling as to where they got the info. BMV? Board of Elections? Medical records? Don’t know. I hope they will be able to trace it back to the computer that entered it.
Gabbie, hate to say, but it probably came from your wallet. Besides credit cards, you probably have your driver’s license, insurance, etc.. Some States do print your SS# on the driver’s license. Insurance does have a SS#, etc.. As I said before, there are gizmo’s out there that people use to obtain all types of info. When you pump gas, your credit card goes into the machine and between the time you take it out to credit the transaction and the time you take it out, the car behind you or the ones across from you can gather the necessary information. And, they are probably sitting in the car doing this.
Gabbie, the other way they are able to obtain the info is when you pay for groceries, fill your car with gas, pay at checkout in a retail store or just walking along on a sidewalk. Some people have a gizmo that will give them that info while in line or going through checkouts. While the wallet is opened they can gather all kinds of info and the rest probably info on line. This happens often at gas stations. Wallet is in a pocket and if not RFID or covered with aluminum people can obtain the info.
You really got me thinking, we pay water, sewer, cable and cell phone bill by phone with their automated systems! I will probably go back to pay them by check. The only problem with that, I got a late charge on my credit card bill last month because the Post Office was late in delivering it. (We are having major problems with the Postal Service here.) They took that charge off because I have always paid on time. Checked into LifeLock yesterday and will check it out again. It has been a very long day and I may not be back here this evening. Thank you for all your great advice and for having this thread each week! Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm and safe!
OOdiebom, We have the RFDI cards over credit cards in our wallets. You are probably right about paying for groceries and gas! (Those are the only times we go out anymore these days) You have to take them out to pay for them! WOW! I never thought about that! Thank you so much for letting me know!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
105 Replies
02.20.21 4:11 AM
13 Participants