it’s nearing to that 8:00 pm hour. Hmm.. it’s Friday night…… Then it’s GAME TIME—-TIME FOR TRIVIA
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
With the price of silver, I wish I had some of the old tinsel. 😀
Hello all ,ddshoppy here.My gdaughter just left,she’s just turned 2years old and is the sparkle in my eye as well as gpa’s👶🎄💕🤗love the winking snowman!☃️
Hi ddshoppy. Bet you both had a great day. And I wouldn’t be surprised if she falls asleep on the way home.
And gma as well..lol🤭😴of course we keep our masks on the whole time she is with us..and are careful with washing hands and have been tested 3 times so far,over the last few months.I will do whatever I have to do to see her!No trouble💕
Hello Peeps, hope all are doing well……just saying Hi and wondering where the trivia question is? I am anxious to get started! and Yes its cold here, and it is December, but Im in the midwest, so its normal for where I am. Lets get this party started and have some fun…..
Good Evening to you RedGinger55. Yep, it’s cold where you are and if I remember correctly, you had tons of snow last year. New England remained warm and I believe they had 5″ of that white stuff the entire season.
Hi Sheba, staying warm I hope. I like your Holiday decor, Happy Holidays to you too.
Good Evening everyone. We warmed up after two days of cool weather during the day, cold in the night. Cool pics all. I hope you all are well, and staying warm.
Hi xango. It’s raining here and another cold front approaches. Love the change.
Hello OODIEBOM, it’s not raining here. We have been dry for a while now. I had to water my front yard plants today. I did have to cover my herbs in the back yard for two days.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
80 Replies
12.06.20 1:21 AM
12 Participants