Good evening and welcome to Friday the 13th and Trivia which should be starting within 15 minutes. There are no ladders to go under and no black cats that will cross your path unless you own one. For all the newcomers, the game can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions are posted next to the REWARDS STORE LOGO (in Blue Letters). All questions are posted for thirty minutes, so you will need to have the correct response within that time limit. Questions are worth 200 tickets each and can be used in the Rewards Store to try to win one of the sweepstakes. To answer the questions, there is an “answer” area in black to enter your response. Just mouse and click the word answer. If incorrect, you will see a red “OOPS. So, before you tear your hair out, get nervous, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be glad to help. Join us for light conversation. Topics are up to you. Most of all, Let’s have fun.
Hello to 2bdiz ! What surprising weather you are having this year! I live in Southern California in Orange County not far from Disneyland. It has also been very mild so far, with temps in the 70’s this week. I do appreciate the help you all give, as well as the camraderie. I wish everyone a happy week to come!
Welcome to our Trivia thread. So happy that you took the time to say hello and I hope we will see you again next week. I think pipman is from your area as well. Have a great week as well. Hope to see you next Friday night.
Goodnight all! I actually got all the answers while eating and visiting…stuffed from so much good food.
Well, that ends another game for Friday night. The week goes by so quickly and the game ends too soon. Hope you all have a great weekend and a wonderful week. I do check sporadically at this thread and answer questions or posts during the time away. Meanwhile, do not text and drive because I would like to see you here next week, same time. Until then pleasant dreams. Good night.
HELLO EVERYONE, Made it like the white rabbit, late again. Been under the weather lately. Been reading a lot on SHEBA2011’s thread in the evenings. WOW. Love the Christmas Tree Dresses, even had to show hubby. So much sorrow, so very much loss. I am trying to figure out who everyone is and where you all hail from. I live in Alaska, middle of Mat-Su Valley. Warmest winter ever this year. Lake keeps freezing then melting!! Snowed a foot, gone in 2 days, 40+F??? Our cats are confused. Good game tonight, thanks again for all you’re help. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND MANY BLESSINGS TO ALL.
Welcome again. I hail from the Northeast and am a snowbird in Florida during the winter months. I am seeing that it is warm in your areas and that your temps have been rising since the summer. Very scarey. There have been times that I would love nothing better than to take a cruise and travel through Alaska. You have the most picturesque scenery I have ever seen. That is, through pictures. I hope we will hear from you next week as well. If you ever have any questions you can post here any time. Have a great week and happy shopping.
@ OODIEBOM Thank You for Hosting Trivia Night.
It was good to see everyone tonight, have a great week everyone and be safe.
I hope to bake some this coming week.
Goodnight and thank you for being a great hostess for Trivia.
Everyone enjoy your evening and be safe and comfortable.
See you next week.
Hey sheba2011! I tried to get to the community on the road with the HSN app, but to no avail.
Sorry I miss y’all, have a blessed weekend! Merry Christmas sweetheart -
Happy Holiday’s to you. I am just glad to see you. Be blessed and enjoy your family. 🙂
Travel thanks OODIEBOM! Sorry, but it was shopping again tonight. Maybe after Christmas things will slow down around here! Love you see you next week! Hey ev1
Have a blessed evening samslilangel 👩🏻🦰-
Hi to you. Miss ya. I think the new owners with HSN did away with the app. You can still sign in through Chrome, Google or if you are using Apple, their browser. Try it whenever you have the time. I know I can get HSN on my cell, so you should be able as well.
Too cool have a great weekend. 🙂
Thank you @oodiebom for hosting the Friday night trivia.
Have a safe, happy weekend all.
@ OODIEBOM, My back always give me problems more in the Winter. It’s when the weather turns cold. You sound like me back and leg problems, I ordered a few leg brace for me. I found one that I like and can ware almost all day long. It’s for me knee and leg. I also have a back brace all from Amazon.
I do tons of shopping at Amazon. I really do not need a brace, though hubby could use one for his knee, I’m Ok so far this evening. I surmise there will be some aches and pains later as the weather gets a bit nasty in the wee hours of the morning. At least it isn’t snow or cold weather coming our way.
Thanks for all the answers everyone!!
Hi Melch. Glad we were there for you.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
67 Replies
12.14.19 5:38 AM
15 Participants