Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Not Baseball, YAY!
4 all Trivia Players. 🌹
Hello Sheba..both my father and father- in- law served in the military Air Force and Army.Happy to say they both came back from overseas duty alive&well.Today we are honoring those that lost their lives in serving.Land of the free,because of the brave.We salute you🙏
Many have served in my family. 😎
dds, nicely stated.
That is beautiful, Sheba! I wish the same for you. 🌷🍹
Evening, all! I see congratulations go to xango this week for winning a prize–cool! 😀👍
Hello Rosatowwen, thank you. If I could I would go buy me a lottery ticket. Today I got 100 tickets on Spin 2 Win also. My husband is out of town, I can’t go anywhere right now.
Congratulations!! Xango..so fun to win a prize,happy for you!!😄 ;^) DD
ddshoppy, Thank you. I hope you have a great holiday weekend.
Hi, xango! You could make this a “pamper me” weekend, and just indulge yourself.
Good evening RosaTowwen. Hope you had a great week. Sorry to say, it went too fast.
It did seem to go by pretty fast, didn’t it? Being retired, I don’t know how that happens, or how I managed to get things done and work full time and spend time with my family too.
Good evening Rosa, glad to see you here this week, hope all is well!
Thank you, Gabbie, I had a great week. Hope you are well and good.
That is strike 2 for the trivia questions. 😫
Thank you everyone for all the congratulations you usven given, its been a while since I won everything here. I was quite surprised.
Fbn135, thank you. Got lucky, it’s funny because last time I won something in here was around this time of year too. It was with Adam, I think we were ask to write something about wMemorial Day or something like that if my memory serves me right.
xango, sorry, I misspelled your name in another post. Happy that you won a prize! Too much rain here in Ohio, wish I could send some to you but hope you do get some relief from the dry weather soon!
Gabbie608, Thank you, yes we certainly need some rain. The rainy season this year is late. Sarasota county is under an emergency water, no watering the grass, no wasting water. If this drought keeps up, our county may have to issue that too.
Good Evening everyone, Is everyone ready for the Holiday? Lots of people flying this weekend.
Are you grilling this weekend?
Unfortunately no rain here at the house. Had some dark clouds but it just passed by. Looks like there will be a 50 percent chance of rain on Monday. Keeping our fingers crossed.-
I won’t be holding my breath on that one. Promises, Promises is all we have been getting. Rains everywhere but not on t he Gulf coast.
We have finally got sun and no rain here. Unfortunately, it is 57 now & the low was 36. Yesterday there was a frost warning.
Tell you what Sanibel. If you could send some of your cool air our way, I can send some of our warmer temps to you.
Sanibel, what state do you live in?
Sanibel, I can relate to the cold wet weather. It was in the 50’s today and is going down to 48 tonight. We needed rain but not this much that we were blessed with today!
Hi Oodiebom & all trivia players! We are still stuck the same trivia question! LOL!
Oh well, Gabbie, we may have to wait another three weeks or so.
Same question….Sad!
Hi diablo. Think of it this way. At least we have questions. We could be looking at a blank screen. Maybe the tech/arcade team are letting us know that we will be up and running in a few weeks.
I can remember way back when—-if there was a holiday coming up, our games went by the way side. Of course I complained and asked for double and triple tickets. Sometimes they listened.
Thanks Sheba. There are no clouds. There is rain in Florida, but, not at our house. Looks like xango is in for a few drops. Geez, our grass is now brown. Bright side, no weeds to pull.
Congratulations zxango! Enjoy your prize! Oodiebom, too much rain here in northern Ohio. The lake communities are getting flooded. Authorities are telling people to stay home this evening.
It’s cold and windy. Quite a few people without power. Wish I could send some rain down to you! -
We will be 46 degrees in OZ tonight. Rain will be off and on. Everyone stay safe.
Gabbie, I think I should be careful what I wish for. Hurricane season starts next week on June 1st. We could get more than we bargained for.
Oodiebom, i wish you some rain in Flordia, NO HURRICANES! Florida is wonderful in the winter but hurricane season scares me.
Gabbie, it scares me as well no matter where I live.
The good news is that we still have questions even though it is a broken record. The bad news, we may have to wait until June 21st for us to be up and running. You will need some patience on this one.
Here you go Oodie everyone grab one. 😜
Oodie I surmise you are right. 😎
Sheba, those look so yummy!!!
Hi Everyone. Welcome to the beginning of the Memorial Weekend. I can smell those hotdogs and hamburgers. I surmise that the grill is all fired up. Please stay safe.
Strike 1 of 6. 😫😢
Thank you so much Sanibel. Hubby was entranced watching You Tube and the Johnny Carson Tonight Show. I had to scoot him away, temporarily, of course, so I could get a word in.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
96 Replies
05.29.21 3:07 AM
10 Participants