Friday Night Trivia, Conversation, Jokes, Gifs, June 4, 2021
Thanks for the Memories Bob Hope
“Golf is my profession. Show business is just to pay the green fees” “I set out to play golf with the intention of shooting my age, but I shot my weight instead!”
“I asked my good friend, Arnold Palmer how I could improve my game, he advised me to Cheat!”
“I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance –waitin for the bathroom.”
Thanks for the Memory
Bob Hope
“Thanks for the memory
Of rainy afternoons, swingy Harlem tunes
Motor trips and burning lips and burning toast and prunes
How lovely it was”
“Thanks for the memory
Of candlelight and wine, castles on the Rhine
The Parthenon, and moments on the Hudson River line
How lovely it was
Many’s the time that we feasted
And many’s the time that we fasted
Oh well, it was swell while it lasted
We did have fun, and no harm done”
“So thanks for the memory
Of games on the floor, nights in Singapore
You might have been a headache, but you never were a bore
I thank you so much”
“Thanks for the memory
Of China’s funny walls, transatlantic calls
That weekend at Niagara when we hardly saw the falls
How lovely that was”
“Thanks for the memory
Of lunch from twelve to four, sunburn at the shore
That pair of pajamas that you bought and never wore
Say, by the way, what did happen to those pajamas?
That couldn’t be put in a day wire
Too bad it all had to go haywire
That’s life, I guess, I love your dress
Do you?”
“Thanks for the memory
Of faults that you forgave, rainbows on a wave
And stockings in the basin when a fellow needs a shave
I thank you so much”
“Thanks for the memory
Of Gardens at Versailles, and beef and kidney pie
The night you worked and then came home with lipstick on your tie
How lovely that was”
“Thanks for the memory
Of lingerie with lace, and Pilsner by the case
And how I jumped the day you trumped my one and only ace
How lovely that was
We said goodbye with a highball
And I got as high as a steeple
But we were intelligent people
No tears, no fuss, hooray for us
Strictly entre nous, darling, how are you?
And how are all those little dreams that never did come true?
Awfully glad I met you, cheerio, tootle-oo
Thank you, thank you”
Songwriters: Robin Leo, Rainger Ralph
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
I hope everyone has rain that needs it. 😘
No rain on the Gulf. Dark clouds went elsewhere…….major drought situation may be in our future
I planted six flats of merigolds two weeks ago. Even though we had a lot of rain the past few days, I watered them tonight because it is going to be in the 80’s & 90’s for a while. Merigolds are the only flowers I can grow because we have a deer problem. They eat EVERYTHING but do not like the smell of merigolds! I have arthritis in both knees and had to make a trip last week to my orthopedic doctor last week to get shots in both knees. They told me “time to get someone else to plant my flowers”! I enjoy gardening and doubt that will ever happen! LOL! I do hope you get some rain in Florida, when my son lived in N.C., they had a drought and could not even water the flowers!
Hi FBN. Still lovely. Still I do not recall this one either
Newbie to me good to see you. 🌹
I forgot it’s Friday night!
I’m so steemed. I kept scrolling and scrolling and no one had answered the question. So I start searching for the answer. I finally found it. Francis Lieber July 23, 1827. I tried all different variations of imputing the date. I finally put in just 1827, but it kept telling me it was wrong. And now, we are back to baseball. Grrrrrr.
I wish I had seen your answer in the beginning. Thank you for it.
Not so happy
feeling like a dragon. -
Good to see you been a while. I do hope you are feeling well. I am getting there. 😘😎🌹
Hi Sheba! I’m doing pretty good. I’m glad you’re getting better. It is such a crazy coincidence that we both had the same treatment. I had to have two lumpectomies to get clear margins but other than that…
So sorry you had problems with the first and so far the only question for Trivia. Hope you were able to get your 200 tickets. Just try to remember to come to our thread for the answers. I had problems as well.
I did come here first. I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and did not see anyone answer. Just the post of ‘we have trivia’ but no answer on that page. In the end, I entered the correct answer but it would not take it. It was in the last two minutes of the 1/2 hour so I don’t know if that is why.
happydragon, at least you tried. That is all you could do. However, you usually have a few minutes prior to the next question to obtain the points. You could mention this to CS within community to see if you could get the tickets.
Good evening, all. Some lovely tributes, very nice1
Good evening Rosa Towwen. Hope you enjoyed the short tribute.
To encourage/reward people to get vaccinated:
Hennepin County (Minnesota)Now through June 11, get your COVID-19 vaccine at a Hennepin County vaccine clinic and you’ll receive a free Mall of America voucher good for one of the following:
6-point ride pass to Nickelodeon Universe
2021 MOA Coupon Book
BOGO pizza at Fair on 4
Medium popcorn at B&B Theatres-
Hi Sanibel. Guess they are pulling everything possible to get people vaccinated.
Good Evening, a happy Friday to you all.
A shout out to OODIEBOM, Sheba, Fbn135, Rosatowwen, Sanibelsheller.-
Good evening.
How is your Husband’s brother recovering?
SanibelShelle, Hello yes, he did very well. Stayed two days in the hospital after his surgery. He is walking, he can go up steps getting stronger each day. He exercised by walking many miles prior to his surgery. He walks in the mall and around his neighborhood.
Sheba, thank you. I haven’t used them yet. The sponges are a good size.
Hi xango. Hubbie home???? Saw your post. I replied.
OODIEBOM, hi there, yes he is home. He stayed with his brother for one week. The other brother went to help out one day before hubby got home.
By the way, not to change the subject, but did you get any rain the last couple of days????
“It just proves one thing: Their German scientists are better than our German scientists.”
The Cold War brought out the best in Hope’s topical humor. This was his explanation, after another failed U.S. missile launch, for why the Soviet Union was winning the space race.Bob Hope
Holy Smokes we have Trivia. 😎💕🤣
Hmm…..we haven’t seen the next hour and a half. Could be one question, maybe two, but all six….wait and see…… 😎
Shout out to “Luvsweets” you are missed. Please return ASAP.
Frank, we miss you as well. Hope you are feeling OK.
MsKatz, where are you????
Thanks Oodiebom for this thread. Good evening everyone. The rain storms has finally ended here in NYC.
Hi Melch. Thanks for the complement. No rain here. Oh well. We are still at 60% chance through Sunday.
Hi Melch, It was in the 80’s here in Ohio, a beautiful sunny day! Will send some of it your way!
Oh RATS, Baseball is back.
Fingers crossed this question will pass onto the next one.
Good evening everyone. Happy to see that trivia is back! Thanks Oodiebom for all your efforts to get it up and running again!
Gabbie, me thinks you spoke too soon. Spring training has returned. The Tech Unit/Arcade Team is supposed to have us up and running the week of the 21st. I’m hoping the sooner, the better.
They must be “teasing” us, LOL!
Hi Sheba! Thanks for the drink! Wish I knew how you do that! LOL!
Hello Gabbie608, I hope you are doing well.
Hi zango, doing good as I write, hope you are also!
Gabbie608, I am doing as well as I can for the moment. My knees are telling me I am getting older and older.
Good night everyone, have a great week, I hope everyone who needs rain that it is in the near future! Stay safe and think happy thoughts!
Gabbie, I hope you have a great weekend and a wonderful week. Stay well. Above all, be safe. Pleasant dreams to you. Good night.
We are forecasted for the 90’s the next 6 days. Weird variations in temperature.
Sanibel, I surmise this is what they call “climate change.” There is also a wave in the Caribbean. Not sure if it will turn into anything. Weather people are watching it. That is something we will have to watch carefully as we head north in a few weeks.
SanibelShelle, your 90’s are better than ours down here. Up there you don’t have the humidity we have here.
I just heard a weather teaser, “ Guess when we will be having increased humidity?” News at 10pm CT
IT is only 43% now.
Xango—-We just had a downpour. It lasted 5 minutes. Better than nothing. Hope we can get more of the same as the evening and morning hours progresses. And, yes, xango, the humidity is something else. There is absolutely no air.
OODIEBOM, please send some my way. Our rainy season this year is just bypassing us every time. It gets dark, sky fills with clouds and wind. Sometimes even gusts but no rain. Everything is so dry. The lawns in the community are all drying. Water here costs a fortune to keep water the lawn.
xango, we are in the same boat here. This afternoon I watched the dark clouds roll in and then for some reason they went North. However, the rain tonight, I will try to send your way. However, you also have a 60% chance the next few days. Not sure of the beginning of the week. We can only water on Fridays. New lawns can be watered during the week. The Friday watering is also limited to no more than a few minutes. During the week I try to use a watering can.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
73 Replies
06.05.21 3:06 AM
11 Participants