Hopefully there will be a game tonight. It is the week of the 21st when everything is supposed to be running smoothly. This reminds me of Jack Benny and his violin. “Last time I got a standing ovation was in England when I played with the London Philharmonic. I played the Wieniawski Concerto, and when I finished, the whole audience stood up – and walked out!”
source: http://www.jokes4us.com/peoplejokes/comedianjokes/jackbennyjokes.html
I hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
And a goodie! 😃
Thank you for those wonderful summer drinks. ❤️
You are so welcomed. 😎💕
You are hilarious which is what we all need right now. Very somber day for those in
Florida. 🌹 I think something like this affects us all. Prayers up. -
I agree,Sheba and thanks for those comments.
My timeshare is right next store from the collapsed building, and it is very sad.
I spent many nights on my balcony admiring that beautiful building.
Feel very sad for all involved. -
Hi jmc. So sad. I now wonder how the other buildings surrounding the area are doing.
Hey there in Illinois it was a beautiful building I always wanted to move to Florida in a building
like that. I think I will wait.So sad I just want to see people being rescued and coming out of that building especially
families. My heart goes out to them and I am watching the news off and on to stay updated.God bless the rescue workers and the families who wait. 💕🌹
That’s super great!
Guess who I saw today in my backyard early morning a beautiful bunny he took shelter
from the storm. 😘💕I tried to catch him but he was too fast. 😎
You are so lucky Sheba, I haven’t seen a rabbit in almost 2 months.
How are you feeling tonight my friend?
I’m OK, I had injections yesterday and a busy day. I’m sore and very tired tonight. Are you going to the lake for the 4th?
Oh I get them every spring and summer and I love them they run abundantly all over
my yards and all over the neighborhood as I live near the woods. 😎I know what July 4th is. I wonder what? I hope you feel better it sounds horrible that
you have to be in so much pain very sorry for that. I know a little something about pain.
No fun!Velvet here is to better days. 🌹
Thank you Sheba.♡
Yes we plan to go to the lake for the 4th.
I hope you have good weather and a wonderful, relaxing time.
to everybody.
FBN, was it Spike Lee who played a dozen instruments or so during his weekly show? That’s what your oldie reminds me of. Then of course, years later, “76 Trombones.”
It was Spike Jones (1911 –1965), who played all the instruments. 🙂
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_Jones -
Your reference might be to Spike Jones, that guy with all the instruments. I remember the wild whistles he used!
Good evening, Sheba, fbn, Oodiebom and whomever else is out there! 😃
Hi Everyone. Good news, we have gigs, conversation and jokes. Bad news, spring training is still the question of the evening. I will see what I can do on this.
Update: I just posted in the Customer Service section within Community. I have sat back for months thinking that this week, that is, the week of the 21st, we would be up and running with Trivia. Looks like we are back to square one. Please, do not answer my post. Make one of your own. The reason is that the Mods think they have already answered and will not respond. Thanks.
Thank Sheba. You are turning our frowns into beautiful smiles along with FBN
Shout out to Luvsweets, Frank, Sam’slilangel, Mrs.Katz, ddshoppy, defg, xango, Hope all of you are Ok. Just letting you know you are missed. .
I saw ddshoppy and mskatz earlier maybe they will come back.
I think most might be upset that the game isn’t playing. It’s the same broken record. As I said earlier, I posted in the customer service thread. However, the one thing I have noticed is that the response has been either non existent or has come later. Let’s hope that we get something going on and soon. July 1st is HSN’s birthday. Hope there will be a nice surprise next week.
Thank you Odie! Still here and checking in. Hoping for more but totally understand and love that you are keeping things going. Gosh…please I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer but have not posted for a while because my husband of 49 years passed away in April. Still struggling but love all the comments you provide and the GIFs Love and Peace to all. See you next week. I will be checking in. Just an idea…..I thought it would be fun to see how everyone came up with their IDs
Not to intrude with privacy but love all the names! Me…my name is Kathy and I love kitties!! Just a thought…stay healthy and in my case…in the Pacific Northwest….keep cool! -
Welcome back Ms. Katz. So sorry to hear that your husband passed. I know how much you were both looking forward to celebrating the big one next year. Please don’t ever hesitate to join us Friday nights for Trivia or just to be with us. I hope you are able to continue the wine groves with help, of course. Please try to stay cool. Heard that you may be seeing temperatures that you are not used to. Stay hydrated.
You are the best…see you next week!
This is from all of us on the Trivia Thread. 🌹
I am very sorry for your loss and I hope you see this. 😘
That’s definitely. Just take care of yourself and stay safe.
I am so, so sad to hear about your husband! I also lost my husband–about six years ago. I used to get so depressed in the evenings, about the time he would be coming home from work, so I started doing a gratitude prayer instead of feeling sorry for myself. I try to remember, instead,
how fortunate I was to have known him. We all grieve in different ways, and that is one thing that helped me.
My name is actually an anagram for: soar to new heights, which shortened to: soar to new, which became: soar two new=Rosa towwen.
My real name is Marcie, and I am also a cat lover (as well as dogs and all other animals). ❤️
This is a wonderful place to come and hang out for a bit to catch something to smile about: a joke, a beautiful picture, some reminiscence, and it is especially nice today. My heart goes out to those families today who are suffering.
Thank you RosaTowwen. What I’m wondering about is that the engineers noticed that the building seemed to be shrinking in 1996/1999. Why wasn’t something being done at that time?? So many lives may have been lost. So sad. To think this could have been prevented.
I’m thinking that it was noticed during the real estate boom, and greed makes it easy to discount such “unknowns” and such valuable coastal properties are always in a real estate boom.
We are having very strong thunderstorms in OZ. I will try to stay until the end.
Prayers for all the people affected in Florida. 🌹 I’m sorry I don’t know the layout of Florida.
I know we have a family condo in Orlando, Florida and my husband’s Uncle lives in Jacksonville he lives in a house.
That is all I know about Florida.
Let’s see if I can help in someway, Sheba. The East Coast is the Atlantic side. I’m on the Gulf Coast. Jacksonville is on the East Coast and close to the Georgia border. Orlando is in the middle. Well, almost in the middle. The East Coast is also I-95 while the Gulf is I-75 (goes in the same direction).
Orlando is approximately an hour and a half west of Tampa (Gulf Coast). Orlando is very near to Disney, Universal and Sea World. Kissimmee is just a couple of exits up the road going West. I probably confused you even more. .-
Sheba, dark clouds approached. Lightning about 20 miles away. Never reached us. The clouds and rain went North. Quite windy right now. No moon. Clouds are persistent in covering the stars and planets. Oh well.
This is Orlando and I know where that is and Tampa as well as Jacksonville.
I also know where West Palm Beach as Bichon18 lives there.Florida like Texas and California is whole other country in a good way. 😎
You are so right. I will really miss it when we get to the other homes. I think both will feel foreign to us. Not so sure if it will be in a good way. Need to see the damage from the hurricane last summer and the tornado that did some damage to the home in Ct..
I am missing the Farmer’s Market already. Having a good time with the Dragon fruit. Picked up some cherries. They weren’t ripe. Quite sour. Better batch this week. Oh well, cannot have everything. Hmm…..we don’t head out another 9 days. Maybe one last hurrah tomorrow. We shall see.
I still wish you had an extra driver in the car with you and hubby. Please check in
on the other thread and let me know how it goes we will be tracking you until you
are safety in your home. 😘💕You need eyes on you.Goodnight. 😘🌹
Goodnight FBN135 and enjoy your weekend. 🌹😊
You too Sheba
Good night my friend, sleep well and sweet dreams. ♡♡♡
Ditto my friend
Goodnight and be nice and cool most of all safe that goes for all the Trivia Players.
Lets say a prayer for all affected by this tragedy. It’s not over I am praying people
are rescued. 🌹Good Night Trivia Players. 😎😘
As Carol Brunett would sing, “I’m so glad we had this time together, just to have a laugh or sing a song. Seems we just get started and before you know it, comes the time we have to say so long. ”
May you have a great weekend and a wonderful week. Stay cool. And may you have pleasant dreams. Stay safe. Goodnight -
Everyone be well this week! 🙂💝
Oodiebom, I know you are headed north this week, and I didn’t know if you would be here on Friday, so I wanted to wish you a safe trip. Are you going back to Florida after the house situations are settled or do you plan to spend the winter up north? Either way, I wish you and your husband happy travels. It will probably be a little strange getting out amongst the world again like that. Congratulations on weathering the storms of the last year and a half. You made it through the pandemic, yay! Hope to talk to you soon.😄❤️
Hi RosaTowwen. You are so thoughtful. Yes, we were supposed to leave Monday, however things have changed as of today. Currently, we have a home in Florida and another in New England. We had already canceled the trip at least two times. Will the third be the charm?? As of this morning we will not be heading North. We are watching the weather forecasts. Doesn’t matter if you are on the East or West coast this time, because you will be hit with something. I had until the 3rd to make any changes. Rather than wait and see, decided to cancel and change the dates. We could not do that for our cruise last year, so maybe this is the way someone upstairs gave us this little window to finalize decisions. See you tonight in Trivia whether there is a game or not.
Listening to the weather forecasts made me worried for those driving this weekend, and I thought of you and your husband. I remembered the cruise you took last year and how that was the beginning of the pandemic in a very real way for you, and how unfortunate that timing was. So, timing seems to be very important and I am a little relieved knowing you won’t be on the road. However, there is still a hurricane brewing toward Florida, so I wish for you safety and no power outages. 😀
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
61 Replies
07.02.21 11:03 PM
8 Participants