Friday Night Trivia, August 30, 2019
Good Evening All. Our trivia game should be starting within 7 minutes. For all the newcomers, questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. All questions last approximately 30 minutes. Wrong answers will not be held against you, however, you must have the correct one before the time runs out. If you do not know the answer, then please return to this thread where one or more of us will have the correct response. Join us for conversation, laughs, gifs, and whatevers.
Good Evening to you and all who play Trivia. Happy Labor Day Weekend.
Hi Sheba. Hope you are feeling better and your daughter is OK.
Happy Friday to all. Fall is definitely upon us. We in the Minneapolis area barely made it to 70 today.
Good luck to all for a great Trivia night!
Good Evening Sanibel. We were in the 80s today in the Northeast. Beautiful, sunny day. Weekend looks good too.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
65 Replies
08.31.19 2:58 AM
11 Participants