No April Fool’s here. It’s Friday Night. You all know what that means. TRIVIA TIME!! Good Evening Everyone. Hopefully, we are all well and if not, on the mend. For some you have been glued to the TV and for others looking for something to do other than the news. Well, tonight we will have conversation and maybe for a couple of hours get our minds set to having some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
Where’s Pipman?
He has been popping in towards the end just to say Hi. Not sure if he is playing or not.
Velve, he’s around somewhere. Just saw his meme.
Amazon Fresh drops your order on front porch with no human interaction required
I like getting out and picking my own fruit, veggies, meat, etc.. Though I like deliveries, I don’t like cleaning the boxes before I pick them up. Also need to run the vehicle now and then so the battery doesn’t die out from the heat. I also have allergies. Seems worse in Florida than in the Northeast. Besides, it gets me out of the house and makes me exercise.
My dog Bella (92 lb Rottie mix) loves car rides. So I take her out, which keeps the battery good on my SUV. I should take her out more, but want to keep trips to gas station down.
Sanibel, have you noticed that the gas prices are on their way down???? They are now below $2.
WHY is Charmin and Lysol running TV commercials? It’s cruel! Do they think we have forgotten who they are? Sheesh! What a waste of millions of dollars.
I saw those commercials, and wondering the same thing .
See further down, there are a couple of posts. I’m chillin’ with M&M’s and Pinot nor right now.
So sorry to hear that Velvet….Hang in there…..
Did you see my post under your pic?
I did not see it…but you are fairly close…..
I just knew it! I thought you might get a laugh. 😛
Boy is that the truth Velvet….How are you doing my friend?
Hello Rosatowwen, good to see you. Spring is here and soon our summer will arrive. I hope to see lots of butterflies this year. I miss the birds singing, I had that in we lived in Jacksonville.
Oh, butterflies! I had just bought some butterfly bushes about a month ago from QVC and they are still little, but I am hoping to plant them soon–to help feed the Monarchs, especially, though we also have pretty little creamy-white butterflies around here too.
Yeah, I thought more people on this planet drink tea than coffee.
Being home bound, I lose track of what day it is. Hi all.
Hello Oodiebom, I am glad you are well. I haven’t been out at all. Still I am coughing and sneezing away do to the high pollen. A bit of asthma doesn’t help either.
I hope your husband is well too. We are running low on toilet paper and can’t seem to fine any.-
It doesn’t help that it is allergy season, and many of us are prone to coughing and sniffling in the spring and in the fall. Asthma certainly complicates things, so I hope you are doing ok.
Most grocery stores are keeping toilet paper either in or around the customer service desks not in the aisles.
Yes I have allergies & asthma also. I take my temp when I wake up every morning. My nose is drippy all the time due to allergies.
Amazon Fresh (Whole Foods) in Mpls area has TP. In the search drop-down, select Amazon Fresh. Then enter Toliet Paper. The difficult part is finding a delivery option open. @ a minute after midnight, new times on Sunday were posted here. I don’t need TP, as I always buy when a Target offers a gift card for bulk buys. However I am getting milk, frozen fruit, canned salmon, etc.
Hi Sanibel. We took a ride to Costco. They are only letting a few in at a time so that we can be 6 feet apart. I was able to get everything we need except for the Chlorox. Tomorrow we will visit the Farmer’s Market to pick up our veggies and fruit. This is our favorite market in Florida; called Detwiler’s. That’s all the marketing we will do for the next two or three weeks.
Thanks Sanibelsheller, I’ll look into that.
xango, definitely try Walmart. Neighbors were there recently and said they had tons.
On this last question, it was a toss up between coffee and tea.
Coffee, Patsy007
Hi toberkins and Patsy. Welcome
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
138 Replies
04.04.20 4:50 AM
15 Participants