Good Evening. A few days ago I contacted Customer Service using Chat. I asked specifically what was going on with Trivia and was told that, yes, there is still a Tech Unit/Arcade Team. Currently, they are trying to deal with a myriad of problems because of Flash being discontinued. Because of this, they are using new software which has made many of our games unable to play correctly. Therefore, new games will be installed and some games removed Hopefully, all the changes will be completed towards the end of June. At this time, Customer Service isn’t sure which games will be discontinued. Hopefully, Trivia will not be one of them. So for now, we will remain in limbo. Since most of us not only enjoy the game, but also like conversing, the chat format will remain as a weekly post and when and if Trivia returns, will be returning to both the answers and the conversations. I sincerely hope that this answers some of your questions.
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Hi Rosatowwen, sorry I missed. I hope you are keeping well. Wishing you and your family a great weekend. Stay safe, hope to see you next week.
We are well here, and hope your family is well also. I will be here next week and look forward to touching bases with you always. ❤️
Thankyou once again OODIEBOM. If I could give a prize for most valuable player, it would go to you.
Do you remember when we DID have these designations? And April was the month Arcade players could rack up 30,000 points thanks to one of our dear players, which thanks to painkillers I can’t remember their name. Hopefully someone else here remembers that lovely person that would watch tv, see the word, and pass it on to the rest of us that weren’t as quick as she was. Her name keeps flashing across the front of my mind!
April USED to be member appreciation month, no more.
Hi Myra. Funny, you should ask about member appreciation. Instead of Member they are using customer appreciation during the month of April. Not quite the same, but I have to say, they are trying. Because of the down time with Trivia, I have asked for double and triple tickets which I surmise has gone on deaf ears. I surmise we will have to wait and see what they keep and discard in the Arcade over the next couple of months. It certainly will be interesting. Thanks for popping in to say hello.
Myra1, That sweet, wonderful person who gave us the codes for the day was VelveteenRabbit. She is certainly a sweetheart. Those were the “good ol’ days”. Hope you are doing OK. Have a great weekend. Debbie
Hi, guys, just checking in. I was reimagining my kitchen/dining room and needed to take advantage of the time and inspiration to move and clean. It’s not even dark here yet on the west coast and I really needed to get things changed around. I hope everyone is ok this week. My prayers are with fbn. and I hope others with struggles will find support, which we all need. Love you all and am inspired that so many are still hanging around without trivia. ❤️
Good Evening Rosa. I know the feeling of trying to get things done. I never got the kitchen or my dining area done. That was on my to do list for today. Other things came up so I never got started. Glad one of us got it out of the way. Instead I did laundry. Just don’t over do it. I hope to see you here next week. Cannot guarantee there will be a game, but at least we all have a place to hang out and shoot the breeze. Take care of yourself and stay safe.
Love seeing you as well. Have a wonderful week! ❤️
Well, it’s that time again when we must part and say goodnight. It is cloudy on the Gulf Coast with temps still in the 80s. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a great week. Shout out to deblyn, Take care of yourself and know that we are with you during this period. Please, use this thread if you want to say hello or have questions or just want to vent. Take care of yourselves. Wear your masks, practice social distancing and keep your hands clean. Until next week, stay well. Stay safe. Good night all. Pleasant dreams. And FBN, I’m missing your good night, but please be well. Hope you feel better.
Have a nice week ahead, Oodiebom and I hope life is looking much easier with having the vaccine behind you now. 😀
Rosa, one down one to go. Next dose two weeks from now.
Good Night everyone. Oodiebom, thank you for all that you do for us all. Please be safe by wearing your mask eventhough you have been vaccinated. Have a great weekend everyone.
xango, out of your keyboard and into my computer, no need to tell me twice. We wear our masks wherever we go. There is no way to tell if the person next to you has been vaccinated. Why take unnecessary chances. The second dose is in two weeks.
Goodnight and thank you for an interesting evening. 🌹
Goodnight to all Trivia Players and please stay safe. 💕
It is cold and rainy in OZ. 😘😎
debhlynn, OM. I just finished reading some on line info on mams and the vaccine. It seems you should wait about 2 mos following the last vaccine before having anything done. People have complained about swollen lymph nodes under the arm of the injection site. I am hoping that what you have is from the vaccine. It also occurs or should I say may occur after you have had Covid. Problem is, not everyone is up on this. When you get a chance, please read the articles. Also, the mams are not like the first ones. There is no pulling or tugging. They use a 3 d picture.
Ultrasound is another way as well. I know you are scared, who wouldn’t be. Just take it easy and think positive. Above all keep us posted.-
Oodiebom, Oh my goodness, maybe this is something the vaccine left for me. I will look up whatever I can find on this. Thanks a million! It would be great if this is only a swollen lymph node. It doesn’t feel like the lump I had so many yrs. ago. That was pea size & very hard. This feels different from that. It is in the breast itself, however, not under the arm, but maybe lymph nodes grow in the breast too. I will be researching this. Again, thanks ever so much. I’d be terrified tho to even try a mammo even if they are not as bad. I told them I’d leave this undiagnosed before ever going thru that again. Take care & have a great weekend! Debbie
Hi everyone, Haven’t been on much at all. Sold my Mom’s house & had no help boxing 50 yrs. worth up. Thank God had help 2 days before closing to move it to our house. Been down since Feb. 15 after getting Mederna vaccine. With fibro I could never get flu shot because of how bad I was after, so I should’ve know this was not a good idea. Only after the flu vaccine I’d be down a week; with this one I’ve been down since with no let up. Requesting prayers please as dr. confirmed lump in breast (quite large) so having this checked with ultrasound & already have appt. with breast surgeon. No mammagrams for me; last one had me icing them to keep them numb for 5 wks. Thanks Oodie for all your work. FBN, hope & pray you’ll be feeling better soon. Sheba, just love your gifs. You & FBN always put a smile on my face (which hasn’t been there for a long time). Everyone take care, stay well & God bless you & yours. Debbie
I am so sorry to hear this. I have a mammo next month and I want it over with.
I pray everything comes out alright for you. I see you have a lot of on your plate too. 🌹In my thoughts and prayers. 😘
Sheba2011, thanks so much for the thoughts & prayers. They are the greatest gift anyone can give. How are you & your family doing? I hadn’t been on the computer even on Fridays for so long. Many days I didn’t even know it was Friday, so missed the questions every week. Oodiebom said that many people have complained about swollen lymph nodes after either having Covid or after the vaccine so praying to the Lord that’s all this is. I’ve missed chatting with you all every week. You are still in our thoughts & prayers too, you & your family. God bless you, my sweet friend! Have a great weekend & let my know how you’re doing. Debbie
Fbn135, I hope you feel better, take care of yourself.
Shoutout to luvsweets. Hope you are feeling better. Sorry, looks like no game tonight, Same baseball question.
OODIEBOM, thank you for caring. Sorry to hear about your swollen lymph notes. I had Pfizer and my left side got swollen with the second shot. But they gave me both shots in the same arm and they were supposed rotate. Otherwise no major issues, soreness was gone by day two.
Well it’s storming here again and yes, I got another spider…smash!!!!ops😳
Hope, you feel better and yes I still wear a mask and social distance. My pain level is getting more intense, but I got cleared from my family doctor ( they had me down as a diabetic), which I never was and he had some tests done, so the orthopedic surgeon can relax.
I see my other half roaming here off and on. I will check with you and the rest of the gang when I can. I do read and Sheba2011 even got me some chocolate!🤣🙏💕 -
luvsweets, so glad you posted in this thread from yesterday. Just do what you can. Don’t overdo.
Post in our Trivia areas when you are able. Most importantly, please be well and stay safe. I know how you feel about spiders. I feel the same way with reptiles including the small geckos. However, we do have one turtle that pops his head out of the lake in front of our home. Guess it’s because I throw shrimp out every so often along with lettuce.Enjoy the candy from Sheba. Take it easy. Hi to your hubby. Soon you both will be feeling better. Just remember to smile more and laugh alot .
I’m starting to hate baseball
Hi “Alie” and welcome to Trivia Chat. Sorry there is no game, but we are all friends here. Hopefully, the game will return by the end of June or sooner.
Thank you for your efforts, Oodiebom, you are always on the ball. Too bad you can’t run the electronic part of the arcade.
Am starting to forget to even check trivia anymore since never works.
I also used chat this week with cust. svc. as have been listed for 3 weeks as being a ts puzzle winner but have not been notified of what I won. Don’t see why you would list winners without emailing prize info at same time.-
Great to see you fem. Seems you are not the only one having problems with prizes. I now wonder if that area as well is also having electronic problems since it is occurring in the Arcade. You can also mention this in the customer service thread. Just be sure to say the date you won and the prize if you know what it is. Seems they have a way to acknowledge a bit faster.
Good Evening everyone, hoping this Friday finds you well. I was watering the herbs out in back yard. Also collecting some, the spring onions are think and tall so I cut some. Got some oregano and thyme too. Watered the lawn a bit, hope we get some rain this weekend.
Hi xango. Are we supposed to get some rain this weekend????? We can use more than a few droplets.
OODIEBOM, Hello and how are you and your husband doing? We sure can use some rain. I would like to show my appreciation for all that you do for us all. It has been close to a full time job with this HSN Trivia Night. Last night was a beautiful cool evening, and today has been breezy. Tonight is also a cool night and beautiful with a moon becoming full on the 26th.
xango we are both fine. We have our second shot in two weeks. It was quite warm yesterday and no breeze. Glad to know that the moon is pretty. Will go out on the lanai tomorrow to get a better look see. I need to do some weeding and trimming the bushes, but put it off due to sinuses. However, I cannot complain about our weather. It’s purrfect.
Sheba, Hello, how are you and your family? I can’t believe April is just about gone. Somehow these Spring months are moving fast. Its going to be a Pink Moon this month. Its beginning to look beautiful, I hope the sky will be clear.
HI!! Hope everyone is fine and hopefully fully vaccinated??
I did receive mine and hope life can begin some kind of normalcy.
Had a trip planned for 2 yrs to Aruba in May ,was so apprehensive about going,
but gonna go, anyways.Wishing everyone all the best,I’m giving up on HSN…
Seems to be total disappointment!If you’re not on social media they could care less!!
Us old timers from way back when are forgotten..no doubt!In my opinion ,we’re what made HSN!!
I will never join social media to accommodate HSN!!!NEVER!-
jmc. I do believe that something is being done. You also must remember that we have had one terrible year with this pandemic. Not only have our families been effected, but entire communities as well. Many employees lost their jobs, many employees were ill. This affected retail, bars, restaurants, offices, post offices, and others. Though many have had the vaccine, this pandemic is not over. As long as people do not adhere to rules as to wearing masks, social distancing and washing their hands, this pandemic will not cease to exist. There are now newer offshoots that may or may not affect us. My husband and I can attest to this virus. We were on a two week cruise when we both became ill. I do not blame the ship, but rather the place we stayed prior to the cruise. This thing has affected all of us one way or the other.
Thank You,OODIEBOM… I get it but,
I guess I’m one of those ppl that is tired of the Covid excuses.
Time to move on if you’re fully vaccinated.I understand you had covid and I’m so happy to know
you’re fine …Amen! -
During this pandemic my whole family are essential works so I have first hand experience knowing the impact. I thank the dear lord watching over my family!In wich I pray, daily
I think we are all tired of this virus jmc. I need to return to New England to check out our home there. It’s been over a year. However, just read where the vaccine may not prevent you from getting Covid, but will help in keeping it milder. The only shopping I have done is marketing. I have not been to my favorite places in over a year. We have not eaten at a restaurant in that time as well. Our retail shopping has been on line with delivery. We have received our first shot. The next one is in two weeks.
I know it’s hard …but get back out there after your vaccines, wear your mask and try to get back to normal
Thank you, Oodiebom, for letting us know what you did and more about what’s going on. I’, still mad and wish they would stop putting the spring training question up. They could at least stop that. Why can’t they at least explain something on here to let us know? I don’t even understand what “Flash” is.
pbjelly. I cannot remember a time when the Arcade people ever answered a question pertaining to why a game didn’t play the way it should. Even the customer service people were mum. I think their silence was more or less due to the unknown and rather than get us wired up, they just didn’t say anything. I had to beg for an answer since it’s been quite a while that this game has not played correctly. I also told CS that the answer we always received was that it was being expedited to the Arcade area. No reasoning was ever given. I let it be known that we needed something. It was the same question every half hour beginning at 8pm. I surmise that the reason why we see the same question is to keep that particular board running. I assume that there are many gamers out there that enjoy Trivia and may read our posts, but for what ever reason, do not join us. As far as I know Flash was a program that was part of Adobe. They decided, because of all the viruses out there to do away with this program. It seemed it was too vulnerable. And I surmise too expensive for the company to keep. Since I am not an expert in the electronics end of things, maybe someone on this board will have an explanation.
Thank you for explaining what you do know in such details. Maybe eventually we’ll be playing Trivia again. Thanks for explanation about Flash also.
Flash is a platform for programming animation and games, created by Adobe, Unfortunately, it had so many security vulnerabilities that Adobe has discontinued it, rather than fixing it. Flash games were extremely popular. most sites with games like those here on HSN used Flash.
Thanks for explaining “Flash”.
I still have the baseball question coming up..do you think there will be a game tonight?
Hi diablo1. I have no idea. Only time will tell. Meanwhile, we still can chat.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
60 Replies
04.24.21 11:25 PM
16 Participants