Not sure if our Trivia game will be up and running. We may have no choice but to wait until the middle of June to see what games will still be up and running and which ones we will say goodbye to. As in past weeks, the chat area will be opened. And, if the game tonight has new questions, you will find the answers in this thread.
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Goodnight everyone, maybe questions will happen next week.
Goodnight and may there be a good week ahead for all of you. 😀
Good Night everyone….OODIEBOM as always I am grateful for you in hosting Trivia night. The truth is I prefer the chatter we all get to do with each other. Have a great week. Lots of good vibes to you and your husband.
Another curtain has come down on the Trivia Chat. May you all have a great weekend and a wonderful week. Even if you have had your vaccine, please wear your masks when you are out and about, stay away from huge crowds, remember social distancing is still in effect and above all keep those hands washed. Hope to see you next week, same place, same time. Good night. Pleasant dreams. Stay safe.
@oodiebom goodnight. Goodnight to all Trivia Players. 😎
Thanks for all the moon-themed pics this week in honor of the pink moon. 🌝🌕
Everyone….Next Week?
Aww super cute. Sleep well my friend and sweet dreams. ♡
Same to you Velvet…
Goodnight and stay safe. 🌹
Ditto Sheba…
Good night everyone! Have a healthy and happy week, thanks Oodiebom for hosting!
Goodnight Gabbie. 🌹
Good Evening everyone, I am late. Didn’t realize the time. Looks like we have lots of people tonight.
How about that Pink Moon we just had, it was beautiful. And coming up at the end of May a lunar eclipse.-
Sheba, your moon is just beautiful. I hope you are doing well and your family too.
I am playing games and posting images just to bring a smile to some faces. 🌹
Sheba, your imagines are always bringing smiles to my face. All your posted images are lovely.
Good Evening xango. I missed the pink moon. Fell asleep at the computer and when I awoke it was like the wee hours of the morning.
OODIEBOM, It was just stunning. I hope you are well and your hubby too.
Sheba, how beautiful! Being by water always makes me feel so calm, thanks for all the GIF’s tonight!
Hi Sanibel. Andrew is on again next week with the eye support TSV.
He was presenting monthly & weekend specials tonight.
Good evening Trivia Fans. Hope you are all doing well. I was watching Andrew Lessman, so I’m late.
I see trivia is still broken. 😫
And here I was hoping for double and triple tickets. Good idea Diablo.
We will probably look twice, maybe three times or more when Trivia finally is up and running. May have to wait five weeks or more. Just hope the wait is worth every penny, I mean, more than 200 tickets.
For all of the folks that play every week and usually answer all of the questions and receive 1,200 points each Friday, they should add up all of the weeks that the trivia game has not been working and award all of the regular players 1,200 points for every week the game has been down. for example three weeks at 1,200 points equals 3,600 tickets and so on for all the weeks we have not been able to play…that would be fair!
Good evening everyone! Looks like Trivia is stuck on spring training again!
Hi Sheba! Just scrolled down, saw the flowers reflecting on water, beautiful! Wish I knew how you do that stuff! LOL! I’m not that tech savvy! 🙂
You guys are a hoot! Never-mind trivia, I am just glad to know that y’all are well and still have a sense of humor. Let’s just use this space to check in with each other and connect a little bit. 😀
Hi Rosa!
Hi, Gabbie! 😃🌻
Hi Gabbie. Welcome to Trivia’s Chat room.
Good evening RosaTowwen. Hope you had a great week. Received confirmation this morning that we have our second vaccine next week.
Good to hear you will be getting the second shot! We got the 2nd Pfizer shot last Monday (04-19). Hubby was sore and a little tired the next day. I slept most of Tuesday and had a headache, muscle and joint pain, chills, no fever but Tuesday night had sweats so bad I needed to change night clothes 4 times. It affects everyone differently. We both felt better a few days later. Well worth it all if it keeps us healthy! Looking forward to doing more with family and friends!
Looking forward to getting this over with. It’s been suggested that we wait two weeks before traveling to give the vaccine a chance to start working. I wonder if we still had immunity from the virus itself. That’s a question no one seems to know. Better to be safe than sorry as the adage goes.
I am happy to hear that, Oodiebom. I am well thank you.
Beautiful pictures like this help to make it a lovely evening, Sheba! 💝
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
65 Replies
05.01.21 5:17 AM
10 Participants