Congrats boodlemum…16 Million Tickets !!
Congrats to Boodiemum! How on Earth did you win this? I was not aware that this was something we could compete for.. do you have to have high game scores to qualify?
Never won anything like that before and havent won anything here on HSN for about 5 years! Im overdue….LOL Enjoy your points!-
Oh gosh I didn’t win 16 million tickets all at once. I earned them playing one game at a time for probably over 6 or 7 years now. Fbn135 knows I reached this milestone because he’s right behind me on the leaderboard with 15 million-plus tickets of his own!
Aw thanks fbn! I guess by “honest” you mean “slow.” I will say this about what i think you’re calling “dishonest” — as we both know, many of the games have glitches, some don’t play correctly or consistently, some don’t always clear your last play, some have flukey timing problems, or they don’t register scores or tickets, and so on. Most times it causes frustration but every once in a while you find one that works in your favor. I guess I don’t begrudge those players who take advantage of those kinds of glitches, and it still usually means putting in a lot of time to get high ticket totals for the day.
So yes I have found some of those, but try not to abuse that knowledge. Plus I get bored too easily to play the same game all day long.
I’ve been at or around where I am on the all-time list for a few years now. Some people fly up the list in a flash, and others stop playing and drop down. We are where we are, and we’re happy to be there, right? ☺ Thanks again.-
Also some people have many other people playing for them by using their password….That is BAD!!!
Absolutely possible, hard to prove.
I’ve always thought it would be valid if you had minor children who could not get their own accounts. But today’s children might be too tech savvy for the games in this arcade.
There was a period of several weeks a few years ago when I sometimes got double, triple or even quadruple tickets, randomly, when I played on my phone. So I could possibly get 1000 tickets for one play of the Jigsaw Puzzle. If they had a double ticket day on top, I could get 2000 tickets. I couldn’t control it. If someone was watching, they could have thought I had other people playing for me because my totals jumped too quickly. Did I post about it? No. Did I report it? No. Was that dishonest? Maybe. Did they fix it? Yes, dang it.
It is very easy to prove for me…I was asked to do it for someone. They will remain nameless.
Oh! Yes, that’s good proof.
Congratulations, that’s a lot of playing!
Yes too much! We’ve been around along time now haven’t we! THANKS
Thanks cloud99!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
13 Replies
08.15.20 2:52 AM
5 Participants