Cheating Games
Do the color of the balls change in Eggz when you have a good chance of clearing a lot of eggs. Why is it that the cursor seems to get stuck then your time runs out just when you are about to clear a level in Wordwipe? Does anyone else notice this.
I noticed that on WordWipe but wrote it off to maybe having run out of time before the board catches up and clears. Sometimes it happens as I’m dropping a bomb and it’s as if the bomb is snatched away from me.
Get an ad blocker. Avast has a great one. Then you use their browser and a whole lot of those kinds of problems go away. And best of all the annoying ads that drag on the games. Your scores will go up and your frustration level will go down.
By the way. 52 pickup is another game that cheats. I’ve caught it changing cards so many times I’ve lost count.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
4 Replies
01.24.20 12:51 PM
3 Participants