Welcome Back Joy
I love her cleaner, I stocked up on her first cleaner, down to the last two bottles now. I purchased lots, and lots when they had it on clearance and free shipping at one time. Now I am purchasing this new one. I ordered 8 in total. I received a coupon in the mail and cashed it in on this purchase.
I wonder if people ordered this cleaner hoping for a different result. It is the same cleaner and disenfectant with thyme. It is still going to stink to high heaven… Some can tolerate the smell but most can’t. And the typical Joy who won’t list the ingredients. She should make her cleaners and disenfectants in separate bottles.
Great show Joy, so glad you are back. Looking forward to more products.
I’ll only buy her cleaner, if she sprays it on food & her grandkids eat it live. If it is so safe, that shouldn’t be an issue. The kids should eat it up.
Does this “new” product smell like bug spray like Miracle Clean did? I this the same product?
Same ingredients as Miracle Clean sold in the purple bottle (found them on Ebay). 0.23% Thymol (made from thyme oil) and 99.77% of “Other Ingredients”, which are not listed.
I wonder if there is an expiration on the cleaner?
I don’t know about her cleaner, but according to the EPA, products with Thymol in them have an approximate 2 year shelf life.
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08.01.21 4:34 PM
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