Origami vs StoreSmith
Does Origami make StoreSmith? The products are identical. I often wonder why vendors talk about their proprietary locks, and then you see another brand with the exact same lock. When I first saw Origami presented on HSN ages ago, I don’t think there was anything like that on the market. Now you see other vendors peddling their units identical to the original unit claiming proprietary hardware. Confusing…
So is Origami gone too? Good heavens…maybe they should change their HSN name since they are becoming unrecognizable as they used to be.
I also have a lot of Origami products. I may have the same kitchen card as you. It’s like a butchers block. I use it as a small island.
I don’t think Origami makes Store Smith. I have several Origami products and while at the HSN outlet, saw some of the Store Smith products. They are light years less well made. A rolling cart was on display and it was flimsy and wobbly. My origami cart in comparison is built like a tank and weighs considerably more. For my money, I’ll go Origami.
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Posted in Home
4 Replies
07.08.21 3:37 AM
3 Participants