My Pillow Canceled
HSN and QVC caved into Cancel Culture and got rid of Mike Lindell because of his political beliefs. What does that have to do with a great product? I’ve been a customer of both companies since day one but no more. Now I cancel you, my money will be spent elsewhere! Nice way to treat someone who supports our troops.
We always appreciate conversations between all our members, but ask that we keep discussions on topic and please refrain from inflammatory topics. Please refer to our Community Guidelines for further details.
I just spent an hour typing a reply but somehow it disappeared. I’m just going to type a very abbreviated reply. I am 70 years old, one of QVC’s first and very loyal customers spending thousands of dollars. I posted on a community place on QVC asking if anyone knew My Pillow was just out of stock because I wanted to order 2 more pillows, and when they have value of the day, it’s much cheaper. Imagine my shock and surprise when I went on to see if anyone knew and a large ominous banner appeared YOU ARE BANNED. I guess these culture cancel extremists are kept very busy targeting old women asking questions on QVC. I never considered myself a threat to America, but evidently these people are afraid of me for some reason. On seeing the banner my first reaction was shock, then fear, then sadness, and now I’m just very, very angry.
I said a lot more on my post that disappeared, just remember these people and companies are alienating 50% of America and once we speak with our credit cards and our checkbooks, their bottom line isn’t going to be one their stock holders will like. They may run everything else, many companies, media, twitter , Facebook, but they don’t own us. We are steadfast, brave, hardworking, honest, all the old qualities that once made America great.
I want to truly thank HSN for allowing us to speak out. There are so few places where the truth can be spoken, and isn’t this terribly sad.
After almost 34 years being a loyal customer of QVC, I am no longer a customer of theirs, and I’m looking forward to talking to management. I have been shopping HSN a lot this past year, they will now be my go to place to shop. (Unless I’m banned that is)-
I really am sorry to hear of your experience with the QVC Community @ringfan. We’ve reached out to our partners at QVC about your QVC Community status and someone will be emailing you shortly.
Who knew so many people loved pillows?
Hahaha, 😅
Thank y000!🤪 😁
pookie123, Thank you for giving me a much needed laugh! You win the internet award!
I am very disappointed in the cancel culture movement and it is actually very frightening to see what is happening to our United States by the Socialists taking over. it is not wise for HSN and QVC to take a stand to upset probably more than 1/2 of their loyal customers. I am no longer buying from either one and I don’t think I would be exaggerating by stating I have spent over $75,000 in the last 20 years,,,maybe more… but no more. I have cancelled my HSN card and paid it off. As soon as I am able to pay off QVC….adios.
I suppose I should thank them for curing my addiction. My family is grateful to you.
And skingirl13, you need some attitude adjustment. Too unhappy of a disposition, and a strange feeling that you feel a need to occupy this entire discussion with your repetitive opinion. No need to respond to me as I am logging off and have no interest in your response. -
I went to buy a my pillow on your site because that’s where I usually have been buying it from, either hsn or qvc. I noticed that you no longer sell his product and then I found out why. I’m so ashamed that you all fell for the quacks of the cancel culture and decided to rid a product because of the scam these people pull. They most likely don’t even buy anything from your site. But you can look me up an see what a long and loyal shopper I have been to the HSN and QVC
Shopping network. I cannot continue buying from you any longer because I see that you are UN-American in the belief of free speech which is something I as an immigrant left my communist country for the freedom of America. As soon as my last invoice bills are paid off, I will delete my accounts . -
So you don’t like cancel culture so you are cancelling all your accounts?
If you can’t beat them than join them and that’s what I’m doing!!!
sanwasi WELL SAID! I myself have blocked CNN,MSNBC, CNBC channel’s from my dish for a while now! So far business I refused to spend my money with is Ford, Amazon, Walmart. I didn’t know Shophq (evine) cancelled him. Now it’s my turn to cancel my account with Shophq & any other business that’s only concern with one political party. I have spent Thousands of dollars with QVC & HSN and if they go down this path so can I, with a phone call & blocking these Channel’s. I hope HSN & QVC reads this post! I ALSO HAVE RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY AS A CITIZEN NO MATTER WHICH POLITICAL PARTY I ASSOCATED WITH
Pretty soon you’ll be knitting your own undies, growing your own food while listening to a transistor radio.😂😂😂😂🤣
Skingirl13 do we know each other? How do you know how I grew up? Thanks for taking me back to my childhood!!!!!😁😁
HSN_Krissy ~ Thank you. 🙂
Have a beautiful day all ~
We want everyone to feel comfortable sharing their experiences and ask that all comments remain respectful toward other members.
That is easy to match the level of respect you Kris (I.e your QRTEA corporate parent) is showing it’s customers. I sold all my stock. Maybe the hedge fund Short -sellers or Reddit will follow! Good day to you Mademoiselle>
Thank goodness they cancelled this clown.
“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”
—Desmond Tutu“Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another’s uniqueness.”—Ola Joseph
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”—Mother Teresa
“Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.”—Oprah Winfrey
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”—Maya Angelou
“You’ve got to learn to leave the table when love’s no longer being served.”—Nina Simone
Hi Leneo716,
I saw an interview with Mike Lindell and he has been “canceled” from a large number of retail stores, internet accounts, and so have people who are associated with him.This is a serious problem in our country and need to be voiced ~ Free Speech ~
Wishing all of you peace ~ -
Bye y’all!!
HSN hasn’t carried the inferior products of MyPillow for quite some time, stop bringing your political garbage to a Home Shopping Channel chat board.-
The truth is good enough, HSN & QVC dropped my pillows along time ago do to poor sales. It’s called capitalism. The market has spoken, for whatever reason. They do not want to buy Mike’s pillows.
Amen. They just can’t resist, though. Thread after thread on My Pillow. I don’t care, do you?
My Pillow hasn’t been sold on HSN or QVC for quite some time. The only thing that was cancelled was the My Pillow Guy’s Twitter account. He’s been banned permanently.
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Posted in Home
32 Replies
02.02.21 5:23 PM
21 Participants