Is Warm and Cozy gone from HSN?
Getting concerned that Warm and Cozy is no longer on HSN. I want to buy some sheets and there are none and most items are on clearance. They’re no longer listed under Home products. Everything I have purchased from this brand has been five star quality. Can someone let me know if this line will still be available at HSN?
There is another brand with the Soft & Cozy name so they probably objected. They did announce it the year they changed.
They changed the name to Warm and Cozy. (Which why? I thought Soft & Cozy sounds just as nice but that’s just me.) I saw Warm and Cozy items on the other night, Friday I think? If you search, you will find several items including the angel wrap.
Did we find out if Soft & Cozy just had name change to Warm & Cozy?
Or it’s a new company?I have so much Soft & Cozy and given many as gifts. I’m glad I bought back-ups on clearance.
In a way, I’m glad they’re not selling a lot of my favorites any more. I was buying WAY too much from HSN and the changes have forced me to look for replacement items on Amazon. Not as easy as using a TV remote to buy items, but I’m putting more thought into purchases and getting them faster.
Who remembers Nina shoes?
I love, love the bling. My favorite Nina, HSN shoes are rarely worn because I want them to last forever. 😐
Another Quality vendor thrown to the curb. 😖
I am wanting an Angel Wrap and flannel bed sheets by S&C.
It looks like they are gone.
HSN is no longer recognizable.
HSN has lost all my favorites – Elysee, Serious Skin Care, Slinky, Birkies (so missed), and now Soft and Cozy. It’s a far different place…and Christmas trees on set in late September?
I agree with you.
I miss Joan Boyce, Jefferson Banks, Liz Lange, and Twiggy.
I know I am missing other favorites.
They reduced their inventory, and then they kicked them to the curb.
It is not good. 😭
Hi brochacha, group hug,
Re: korean pore mousse ~ my friend had purchased the pore mousse months ago, and we absolutely heard the vender and the host clearly state that the “dark specks” were the dirt from the pores. The models held up the cloths they had wiped their faces with after using the mousse, and the vender and host both said the “specks” were the dirt from the pores.
* That was the point of doing the test without touching the product – and it proved that the specks are in the foam not the dirt in the pores. – as the vender and host had stated *
Of course that would not prove if the product cleansed the skin. Many people heard the same thing. Are you a rep. for beauty spy!
It’s wise to read the ingredient decks of all cosmetics, because what we slather on our skin we ingest into our bodies.
Thanks for the spell check – I did mean emphasize – that’s what happens when I edit wording in a sentence and don’t do a reading check. (how many points did I lose for Gryffindor?)
Here’s a mousse that you might even enjoy more ~
easy dessert, chocolate mousse –
4 large egg yolks
¼ cup sugar
2 ½ cups whipping cream
8 oz semisweet baking chocolate choppedBeat egg yolks in small bowl with electric mixer on high speed about 3 minutes or until thick and lemon colored. Gradually beat in sugar.
Heat 1 cup whipping cream in 2-quart saucepan over medium heat until hot. Gradually stir at least half of the hot whipping cream into egg yolk mixture; stir back into hot cream in saucepan. Cook over low heat about 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens (do not boil). Stir in chocolate until melted. Cover and refrigerate about 2 hours, stirring occasionally, just until chilled.
Beat 1 1/2 cups whipping cream in chilled medium bowl with electric mixer on high speed until stiff. Fold whipped cream into chocolate mixture. Pipe or spoon mixture into serving bowls. Refrigerate until serving.
* DISCLAIMER – I’m not responsible for any spelling or grammar errors found in the recipe, as it was a copy and paste.)Sorry all for having completely strayed from the Cozy topic. Have a beautiful day, Stay Safe, smile often, brighter days are coming ~
I hope it’s just a name change from soft to warm. I love this line and would hate to see it leave HSN.
Hi bobzi & skingirl13, thanks, I was wondering the same thing.
Wow HSN buyers, and “powers that be” what’s going on with all the really good brands disappearing? And the awful scheduling?
A few days ago Colleen was selling a cosmetic from Korea, and emphasized several time that it had “pycnogenol” in it –– well it has a whisper of pycnogenol, absolutely nothing like the Elysee’s stand alone product — “Pycnogenol Firming Serum” — that has (I think I remember correctly) over 20 – 23 % pycnogenol.
Elysee products have given me results as good, and in some cases better than the too expensive high end brands. I don’t like that Elysee uses parabens (even though they are natural parabens) as a preservative. Heresay is buzzing that Elysee is changing to natural vitamins and herbs as preservatives that ward off bacteria – hope so.
PS – a friend of mine bought the Korean code 9 pore peel mousse that supposedly pulls out pore impurities that you can see as little dark specks when you rub it into the skin – — she did a test, spraying a glob of the foam right into a bowl, and waited to see what would happen. Little dark specks appeared in the foam that had never touched skin – so it was returned.
And I hate that those brands “emphasis” no animal testing, even stating that the gov. has outlawed it, but they STILL do animal testing – it’s so inhumane it’s soul sickening. But people still turn a blind eye and deaf ear to it.
It’s best to buy USA made, or Canadian, English, Italian, Greek – sadly we need to keep away from Asian products.
A good quote for today ~ “A good deed doesn’t just evaporate and disappear. Its consequences saturate the Universe and the goodness that happens somewhere, anywhere, helps in the transfiguration of the ugliness.” by Desmond Tutu.
Stay Safe everyone, have a lovely Sunday, Cheers ~-
hi In regard to the Korean Pore Mousse, at no point in any of the demonstrations did they say the specks were impurities from your face. The dark specks are a chemical reaction of the mousse. In defense of the mouse it has to be rubbed into the skin and actually does get rid of the impurities in the pores and leaves my skin clean and exfoliated. So spraying it into a bowl is not an indication of it not working. I think you meant to say “emphasize” no animal testing and to date I have not found any data on animal testing for the pore mousse.
Signature Club A has lots of parabens and I don’t trust them so not all bad products come from Asia.
Do you mean soft and cozy? If so, it’s still here. I’m not familiar with warm and cozy. 😊
Oops, yes I did mean soft and cozy! Mostly concerned because only the top six items of two full pages of products are available. The rest of the two pages are either on clearance or sold out. I would think the sheets would be available by October and so far they’re not.
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Posted in Home
15 Replies
07.17.21 9:53 AM
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