Beekman's Laundry Soap
I live in a moist environment (San Francisco area). I started using Beekman’s a few months ago. What I noticed is that once I use say a bath towel and hang it up, it doesn’t get stinky. Using regular detergent, a wet towel that is hung up on a hook, or worse yet left in a pile, would get a sour smell after sometimes less than a dayi. Raising the kids, I was doing at least a load of towels every day because I couldn’t reuse them due to this stinky situation. More recently, I noticed this stinkiness on those face washing towels, the plushy ones, when using detergent. Then, enter Beekman’s and I can use one for days without any stinkiness. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this unforeseen benefit of using Beekman’s laundry soap
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11.18.19 3:06 PM
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