A Butter Dish?
How many times are they going to promote that butter dish on their Christmas gift programs? Seriously? Is a butter dish really on anyone’s gift list? HSN will have to do better than that to get me to tune in.
Thanks for the laugh!! Seems there are so many items this year that would never be on anyones Christmas wish list.
I agree! Not many people use butter dishes…do they? And those gosh darn ear phones/buds! Alright already!!
Andy I DO use a butter dish (great grammas) because I leave butter on the counter for easy spreading, BUT would never put that on a Christmas wish list!!! lol—–earbuds, yep tired of seeing them as well—-along with many other items they keep showing over & over, .
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Posted in Home
4 Replies
11.21.19 9:29 AM
3 Participants