Phytoceramide Question
I really want to order this product, but need to know if it is safe for people with stomach issues such a celiac or leaky gut?
That’s a good question! I have UC and often wonder the same thing about certain supplements. When I’m not sure, I take a print out to my pharmacist and Dr to make sure it is safe for me and also to check against any adverse reactions with medications. You can also call A.L.’s company and see if someone there can help you with an answer. I read some of the reviews where people had allergic reactions so I decided to pass for now. Someone else’s “rash” or burning may be a completely different story for those of us with intestinal issues. I will take the print out to my GI on my next visit and if he says ok, I’ll give it a try.
I hope someone can give you a more definitive answer to your question. Read all the reviews if you have time. Have a good day! 😀
Conversation Info
Posted in Health & Wellness
2 Replies
06.01.19 2:39 PM
2 Participants