How long is the sale on Andrew Lessman's Procaps?
I would like to know when is the last day to order and still receive the sale’s price on Garlic Extract.
I would really like more than 3 or 4 flex pays for future reference. I am on a fixed income, so I have to watch my end of the month funds.
Thank you so very much!
His website seldom has flex pays . Only on TS and often not as many flexs pay as HSN has for the TS .
That is one advantage of buying at HSN -
Great! Thank you so much. The sale ended on HSN. I hate there are no dates stated. I cannot budget that way.
Again, Thank you!
Dawn -
On his own website the price ranges from $14.90 to $59.90. He usually has things on sale that are not on sale at HSN
Conversation Info
Posted in Health & Wellness
4 Replies
03.02.20 8:00 PM
3 Participants