GI Procedures: You may wish have a Will
I’m a retired RN. You may wish to have a will prepared because theybusually give you a sedative, such as propofol or something else. Depending on a person’s age or health status (the facility or the anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist) should have noted if u are a candidate for office procedure/ out patient procedure via an assigned patient aedation category, if not,then you would assigned to a hospital facility for the procedure. Please note, that NO MATTER WHAT PROCEDURES YOU HAVE DONE, there is always a risk. Nowadays we always ask if you have a will or power of attorney signwd for your health/ medical care. It’s up to you really.
PLEASE DO ASK the facility if they are using Propofol m3dication in you, and do they have an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist administering it you you. If not, do not go there. Only those professionals are authorized to administer it.
The physician may have been trained and credentialed to do it too. However,the doctor can’t do fo a procedure and give the medications.
Ask if the facility is accredited with the state, Joint Commission, QuadA, or other. You will be fine,get the colonoscopy because it saves lives! If yiu have a history of a family member with colon cancer,please make sure your doctor knows this bc colonscopies may be performed earlier.
Where I live in the USA, almost all gastric procedures, endoscopies or colonoscopies for example, are done in surgical-centers and not in office. Yes, there is a risk for sedation and one thing is it can make older folks a little forgetful or foggy brained for a few days to several weeks afterwards. But I don’t think one wants to be “awake” for an endoscopy or colonoscopy! Those are painful. The positive to propofol is you don’t remember much about the procedure and that can be a blessing. And you wake up quickly. I’ve had lots of these procedures in my life as colon cancer runs in my family. Don’t wait too long for these live saving tests like both my relatives did and died from it. Get it caught early as Tippy mentioned.
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Posted in Health & Wellness
2 Replies
08.22.24 1:56 PM
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