Capsules For Menopause Only
I like Andrew Lessman products all the time.
I’m 61 and I’m post-menopausal and I would like to know if can he make a capsule for us women who are in that category.
I go to other websites to buy them and don’t want to go to the pharmaceutical products, they are very expensive. When I got a prescription fill for it this year it was $245 and that’s with the discount, well I didn’t buy I look for other ways of getting alternative medicine.
I hope in the future Mr. Lessman will.
AL makes Woman’s Wellness & Ultimate version. I dont know if it is what you are looking for.
You call 1-800-332-7799 with specific info on what you are looking for and what they have available.
Please note that whatever prescription you have for menopause is not the same as any supplements you might purchase for the similar thing. I am not against supplements but if you need topical estrogen, there is nothing like the prescription for efficacy. I know, I’ve tried them all. Herbs and vitamins can help but don’t work on the tissues down there. You may not need this stuff any longer though and if it is for hot flashes, then the supplements can work pretty well. If you are on regular Medicare, check your part D in the Fall. If you are on a Medicare Advantage, consider the monthly premium cost plus the cost of your drugs for yearly costs. Figure out your yearly cost of the premium plus the medications you need. With Part D, also add up the monthly premium cost plus what you are paying for your meds right now and get a yearly figure. Then check out other Part D companies that are offered and do that math also. I am paying $30 per refill for my estrogen v. cream and I get a new tube every 2-3 months I guess. So if I get 5 refills a year, that is $180. I do the math every Fall on my expensive Marketplace plan. I add up all the insurance costs I used, doctor visits, medications, and then compare policies. A high deductible with low monthly premium actually costs me more when I add it up this way. The high monthly premium plans, with a low deductible, that charge less for most prescriptions cost me less. You can also try using a pharmacy discount plan like GoodRx. And don’t forget that Medicare has that nifty computer program to check your Part D every Fall. It does tell how much your yearly costs are. Easy to use for novices.
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Posted in Health & Wellness
4 Replies
09.07.22 12:32 AM
3 Participants