t’s nearing that 8:00 pm hour. Hmm.. it’s Friday night…… Time for Trivia
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Thanks. Was looking in arcade for thread – not showing there.
A big Hello to OODIEBOM, Sheba, Rosatowwen, SanibelSheller and VelveteenRabbit7.
😊😊😊 Happy Spring 🥀🥀⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘🌸🌸🌸🏵🏵🏵🏵🏵I wonder if there is a way to send the CEO of HSN/ QVC an email explaining our Trivia Night nightmare.
Hi Xango, hope you are well in FL
Hi SanibelSheller, we are well and hope you are too. Received my Johnson & Johnson shot. I did just fine, didn’t feel any different. No sore arm, felt nothing, going on two weeks now.
xang, Johnson was my first choice since I had the Covid and thinking the others would not be as helpful. But, Orlando was able to get a supply while in our area we would have to travel. So, we signed up for the Moderna. Hubby goes tomorrow and I get to sit in car. Contacted Health Dept. and was told I would have to wait for an app’t. Monday is the last day to sign up. Starting April 21, it’s an open window. No appointment needed. But, you must wait in line between the hours of 8am and Noon. And not all places will be available.
OODIEBOM, Publix had the Johnson & Johnson. Now since it’s going to be delayed in shipment I dont know when they will have it again. Sending good wishes for you and your husband.
Xango, I think the pandemic is the reason behind this mess. Until things get better in this State, people will still work from home. I just wish someone would give us an idea of what is going on. As far as sending an e-mail to the CEO, it won’t do much good. A hand written letter may, but e-mail can be zapped before opening. I really think the virus is the reason. Someday this will be all behind us and we can all say remember when???
OODIEBOM, yep this must be due to the pandemic. We can hope it will all go back to normal once its all over.
Good Evening everyone, I almost forgot Trivia night. I hope all is well with everyone.
This is fascinating, and I can’t stop looking at this, lol!
Hello Sheba, that’s so cute, Thanks.
Hi Oodiebom and all trivia players. No new trivia questions again, but happy to see everyone back this week!
Looks soooo good!!!
This just NOW popped up.. what the what is going on with HSN??
No trivia game
No customer service
No response
No change in sweepstakes from last week
If they are willing to treat us like this who are here weekly, then I guess they don’t need my time or me being on their website or my MONEY!!
I’m just so fed up!
Sorry for speaking my mind. I’m usually quiet and don’t say much.. SMH
Mamack, I think the tech unit may be working from home because of the pandemic. I do not think they have access to the machinery from their home computers. They can only do so much.
Florida now has the new variants, so the virus is still on going. Starting April 21st everyone in this State will be eligible for the vaccine. Then, when the crew can get their’s we may see some progress. At least a few will be able to work together. -
ODIEBOOM, as someone who works in corporate IT, any half decent IT/Developers/programmers/RD departments have the ability to easily access all the resources they need remotely. A big company like HSN would not be able to function during the pandemic otherwise. I understand the benefit of the doubt, but there are people who can access the servers, even if it’s not the first line support. I’m not trying to be offensive at all, just wanted you to know!
Thanks Rockee. I didn’t realize they could do this from home. Then it has to be more to it, unless, we are definitely short handed, or the right hand doesn’t know what the left one is doing. If they are capable of repairing from home it would probably be better if they took the site down and to give us that info when doing so. There are still many games in the Arcade that are not running properly and to think I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. There is also no excuse why they do not let us know what is happening. The Mods can only send an inquiry to tech support. I also do not think they get an answer either, otherwise we would have heard.
I think their whole website is messed up. I searched for Jay King and I got jewelry from other brands as well as JK. There is a JK piece that won’t display on the .com, but it isn’t clearance and they have 480 pieces at $71.50. Aquamarine earrings 750-539. When you check availability on the CS phone line it tells you available @ $71.50. The CS operators tell you how many are in stock. However, online it is not found. Very weird.
The item was new in March along with a suite necklace, bracelet, etc. It was labeled incorrectly as a necklace, but it was a pair of earrings. I sent them a note and they corrected the label, but assigned it a new item number. I found it & put it in my favorites. It was full price and I was waiting for a better price. Then it disappeared off the website. I called and CS could find it in their system. It was still full price and they had 480 of them. They said they would notify whomever, that it wasn’t displaying on the website. That was 2 weeks ago and it hasn’t been fixed. So, I am assuming it is another problem on the IT fix-it list, just like trivia.
Sanibel, there are 2 distinct ways to shop with HSN. Well, in some cases 3. All three are different in that the number of items available may be more when you use the phone. When an item sells out on TV, you can still purchase through the Internet. Occasionally, both sell out.
We may have to change the name of our thread to something like, Friday Night No-Trivia Chat, lol! 😉
Five Odie…but who’s counting!
I wish I had the answer, but, on this one, I’m really stymied. I think I have tried everything to get our game up and running. How many weeks has this been going on. I think I’ve lost count.
Weird, I didn’t see this thread until i posted in last week’s thread.
Let’s always post even if they stop trivia. WE ARE FRIENDS!
Thanks Myra, that has been my sentiment as well. As long as we have Community, I will open a thread every week game or no game.
Thank Oodiebom!
It would be nice if someone would talk to us, tell us if there is a problem, if they are working on it, or they are letting it die. Being completely ignored is NOT good customer service.
Myra, I had the same problem with the old regime. However, when the game finally played there were double tickets the entire evening. I do not know if this is the same crew or a whole new tech unit. I really do not feel the game will die because so many of us play, shop and chat. It actually brings more customers to the table. There are many out there who read this thread and stay in the background. This is probably because they think we are friends from way back when, but in reality we all met through Trivia.
So true OODIEBOM, we did all meet here, and i buy from HSN through playing in the Arcade!
But I wonder if they currently do not have anyone in charge of Trivia? And no other techs want to be bothered with it.
I’m bummed. I even logged in yesterday to appeal to customer service in advance.
Gee don’t know the answer to the first question, anybody got some ideas LOL
Maybe this is a late April fools joke!
Oh, it’s Friday already–that was a quick week! How’s everybody doing tonight?
Thank you, Rosatowwen. Doing well after 2nd vaccine from this Monday. Am I really safe after one more week?
That is good news, Sanibel! I heard today–forty percent of adult population now, and climbing. 😀
Hi Rosa. In Florida we signed up for the vaccine. Hubby goes tomorrow for number one. I’m still waiting. The bad news is that after Monday no one can sign up and after the 15th no appointments. On April 21, it’s “open season.” No, I probably will not get the vaccine with hubby, but I will still try. It’s by appointment only.
Well, maybe they will still honor the waitlist–even in those initial days after they open up to everyone–and not so many people having to pose as Florida citizens cutting in line.
Conversation Info
Posted in Gifts
84 Replies
04.17.21 1:47 AM
19 Participants