Why So Slow
Everything I order stays in processing several days and in packaging forever. Why so slow? I could see if it was one or two things, but it is a rare exception when I get things in a timely manner. Anybody else notice this? I’m experiencing this in fashion and shoes.
Mines been stuck on it for two days now
Did the package ever arrive?
I ordered an item on 4/20/2021 12:00:00 AM it says IN TRANSIT and it says SHIPPER CREATED A LABEL, UPS HAS NOT RECEIVED THE PACKAGE YET on the same date 04/20/2021 16:46:01 and my estimated date is 4/27/2021 which is tomorrow so it might not come tomorrow an still its says in transit shipper created a label, ups has not received the package yet. so tomorrow it won’t be here which is dumb
So get this, I have been a HSN customer for years, and yesterday I get a noticed from my PayPal account that I have a $37. Pending from HSN. I an thinking someone. Broke into my PayPal, I’ve been using my HSN card only. I call HSN and they tell me its because of an order I made in Jan. I used my PayPal and ordered a body butter, I had a delivery notice but never received it. I call HSN they told me to wait a few days, maybe a neighbor got it. After a week I scaled them back and they resent one to me. NOW, HSN says that 4 months later they investigated it and it was delivered! I was a customer forever but LIED to get a free product??? I have one more thing that should be delivered tomorrow and I’m,done. How dare they accuse me of that. I will buy in the store anymore, their loss.
I ordered an item on 4/20/2021 12:00:00 AM it says IN TRANSIT and it says SHIPPER CREATED A LABEL, UPS HAS NOT RECEIVED THE PACKAGE YET on the same date 04/20/2021 16:46:01 and my estimated date is 4/27/2021 which is tomorrow so it might not come tomorrow an still its says in transit SHIPPER CREATED A LABEL, UPS HAS NOT RECEIVED THE PACKAGE YET so tomorrow it won’t be here
I too have noticed my purchases saying Processing or Packaging for several days, even a week or more. Does HSN not employee enough people to handle the orders? Also, why when I order one small item, it arrives in a large box with lots of packing paper inside?
I have noticed that too, either super long wait or unbelievably fast with nothing in between.
That is often the case for me, but then sometimes an order is processed and shipped super fast. I have noticed that not everything ships from Piney Flats, so I think it depends on which warehouse it’s coming from. I should add that once, I paid for expedited shipping and it took even longer than regular packaging and shipping. I did get a refund from HSN, but it was irritating.
Conversation Info
Posted in Fashion
9 Replies
04.23.22 6:30 AM
7 Participants