The blouse that Colleen is wearing
The blouse that Colleen is wearing, is it available to purchase?
Geez, all she wanted to know was if the top was for purchase. No one asked for your opinion of it. Did you even see it?
Alfani is a Macy’s house brand (made by a manufacturer for Macy’s with Macy’s specs). I worked for Dayton’s (parent company of Target), Dayton’s renamed to Marshall Fields (Oprah’s fav). Then, somehow the parent company (Dayton’s/Marshall field’s) was sold by Target. To Macy’s eventually.
Macy’s is a cheap department store. -
Most of Coleen’s clothes and jewelry on HSN makes me think “KMART”. Sorry my personal opinion. However, I bet she never wears any of it outside of HSN. She is too snobby to wear any of in her REAL life. Maybe Carlos wears it….
Sorry to those who worship Coleen.
I believe it is an Alfani top from last year. She wore it months ago and my niece has it.
Conversation Info
Posted in Fashion
5 Replies
07.24.19 3:56 AM
3 Participants