Shipping/ Handling Out of Control
$19.50 to ship a shirt, pants, and handbag to the continental United States?? This is regular shipping, not expedited. All items will most likely ship in the same box. And everyone wonders why Amazon is doing so well. Prime is where it’s at. For a small monthly fee, I can ship unlimited Prime items for FREE!!!! Sorry HSN- no purchase from me today- and I really liked those items!!
Been there many times, but HSN doesn’t seem to care. Many of us have complained for the last few years about the increases to S&H, the disappearance of 1/2 shipping when ordering two or more of the same items, and the rarely seen $5 bundle shipping like they used to do with Heidi Daus and Jay King items when they have a TS. I order FAR less now than I used to from HSN and order more from Amazon, ShopLC, and JTV now. But again, they truly don’t care about their customers anymore. QVC was the worst thing to happen to HSN.
Free shipping on on purchase of $49+ today.
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Posted in Fashion
3 Replies
09.19.20 5:37 PM
2 Participants