Shipping charges
HSN needs to do something about the shipping fees. I bought a whole bunch of clearance items and spent over $50.00 yesterday!! They need to go back to the old way….any item bought in the same category gets half price after the first item…what if you don’t like the item then you have to pay to send it back…its terrible
it seems that hsn is in deep trouble when there president sends out a message to customers saying ” were listening””” because they lost tons and tons of customers. thousands!! of customers!!. like someone posted and i agree, they need two different buyers with years of experience in the business to bring back hsn to there original roots. hsn must” kick curate under the bus. if they dont, hsn will close up shop. they cant go on like this too much longrr.
I feel the same way, last week I ordered Rhonda Shear todays special, with free shipping, now to send them back it’s going to cost me 7.50.
Always do a Live Chat with customer service. Sometimes they will waive the return charge. It doesn’t hurt to ask.
Conversation Info
Posted in Fashion
4 Replies
07.26.22 10:57 PM
4 Participants