Joy's Hand bags
Welp, she’s really back. One of the things that I always disliked about Joy and the Joy/Iman hand bags, was the cheap plastic emblem with their names. I noticed Iman, has replaced her name with a signature emblem instead, which is much better in my opinion. The poor quality of leather and thin straps seems to not have changed as well. Joy would be better upgrading her bags to a nice quality faux leather in place of the road kill, hard to recognize, type leather. Replace the “Joy” with a nice signature emblem instead. Even Patricia Nash who has great quality bags, doesn’t splatter her name all over her bags.
Also the TS should be no more than, $69.99.
One other thing, since Joy has been back her style of selling cheapens HSN. That infomercial way of selling and the constant glancing at the counter to see how many have been sold is tacky.
Too bad both Joy and HSN, didn’t decide to improve on certain things from the past, rather than just to pick up where they left off but from a much higher price point.
Wow, I’m sorry you’re having such a terrible day, I hope it gets better.
I’ve purchased Joy and Joy/Iman bags for years and they’ve all held up better than any other bag (including my D&B). The leather is not “poor quality” by any means, all of my leather bags from them are still as beautiful as ever, even after years of use!
I’m really glad Joy is back since she’s the only designer that goes all out with RFID protection and now the anti-microbial protection. This is awesome! There are so many other bags I would love to have purchased (some from Samantha Brown), but I don’t buy them because they don’t have the same RFID protection Joy has! I will not even by Iman’s bags now because she doesn’t include RFID protection… that was ALL Joy!
Try her bags… they really are beautiful!!
Equating my dislike of Joy’s hand bags to mean I’m having a bad day is just silly. If I loved them then that would mean I’m having a good day?
People are allowed to have a difference of opinion you know?
What if I attacked what appears to be your lack of taste and knowledge of quality?
If someone dislikes a product that you love, why take it as a personal attack?
Grow up.
I’m happy she’s back too. I have her older crossbody bags and use her leather tote daily for work. They are holding up well and I get a lot of compliments. I’ve missed buying her handbags.
It’s fine that you’ve twisted everything in my response to you; but it’s sad that you feel the need to attack and be so negative. Bless your heart.
For the record, people that say “grow up” are usually the ones that need to grow themselves. It’s one of the most juvenile statements a person can make.
This person is always on here stirring up stuff and arguing with people. She is very rude and immature to people. Just ignore her.
I am happy to see that Joy is back.
I loved her older handbags. They were innovative and interesting. That said, I am disappointed in her latest offering. First of all, it’s a tote. Nothing special about that. It is RFID, that nice- but so are many other totes.
I certainly don’t want an anti microbial tote- Admittedly, I haven’t listened to the presentation, but who would want to put their lunch, cosmetics, and anything else in such a bag? Maybe many people, but not me.
Come on, Joy, you can do better than this! How about an organizer bag? Or a triple compartment bag? There is nothing special about this tote that says high end.
I agree with the antimicrobial comment. I don’t want a handbag that’s antimicrobial and I don’t want hangers that are antimicrobial. I’m as germ conscious as anyone but I’ll stick to my hand sanitizer and wipes. I think Joy is taking this to the next level and it’s obnoxious. I would have bought a bag if no. 1 it was cheaper and no.2 didn’t have that cheap looking Joy disc on the front. I’d be embarrassed to carry it.
This does not look like a $100.00 bag. I also don’t like the joy logo on the front and the same cognac strap color on every bag. Hard to believe people were buying more than one. I had to turn the channel. It was hard to watch. I have fifteen Joy and Iman’s leather purses from years back and I absolutely love them. It seems that quality is going down while prices are sky rocketing.
Can someone please provide a valid argument as to why including silver ions as an anti-microbial is a bad thing? I’m truly confused by some of the comments here.
I work in crisis management and find this feature a huge plus! It has nothing to do with using this bag to carry food; it has to do with minimizing the germs that build up on our bags with regular daily use. I would think, given we’re entering year3 of a global pandemic, that this would be more important to people. I will only respond to valid, respectful, arguments; any attacks will be ignored as they’re a waste of time.
Hi, Sydneymom,
Not long ago, It was stated by scientists that antibiotics and antibacterials were making bacteria stronger and resistant. I don’t want to be part of that. I even worry that all this use of hand sanitizers might be contributing to the same issue.
I am very germ conscious- but don’t buy anything that will be in close contact with me- my food- and other personal items that I am not sure of.
Could this silver ion technology be safe? Of course! But I’m happy without it.
Have a great evening!
The less antibiotics we use the more effective they are when we actually need them.
We don’t need anti microbial totes – it’s only marketing.
I think when they are looking at the monitor they are seeing what the shot looks like. If they are holding a product up they look at the monitor to see it is in the shot.
I think Joy’s bags over the years have gotten better. They used to have wavy terrible zippers on the dome satchels and leather was terrible. Tags inside of bags would say split leather which isn’t high quality as they want you to believe. I like the way the new tote looks but I think the crossbody and fanny pack are too high a price.
Personally I can’t stand the snake oil salesman attitude on both shopping channels.
I don’t buy much any more, don’t like return shipping fees and quality doesn’t match up with price.
I wish emblems on purses would be left off all together. -
Ma’am, with all due respect, you are being rude. With all that is going on in the world right now, you raise your blood pressure over a handbag??
Lene, no she is not rude. Skingirl is expressing her opinion about a ts. I think it’s a well thought out opinion. Doesn’t have anything to do with world events, there is no comparison.
Yes, she (Skingirl13) was being rude. There are ways to provide critical feedback in a respectful manner, and this wasn’t it. For example, the comment “Joy would be better upgrading her bags to a nice quality faux leather in place of the road kill, hard to recognize, type leather” is truly insulting and provides no constructive feedback. Calling the leather Joy’s uses “road kill” cancels any respect from the reader and serves to only insult the person you’re attempting to communicate feedback to; at which time they will simply ignore you.
Also, her need to tell people to “grow up” is also juvenile. If she can’t argue in a constructive manner, she shouldn’t attempt arguing until she learns. Input provided from emotions serves no purpose and only negates one’s intent.
Were you hired as the “Director of Comments”?
Day two, and you’re still commenting about me personally.
Understand this, I could care less, what you think about me. You got that?
But know this, when you jump in someone’s thread and start off with a snarky comment, you might get some snarkiness back.
Don’t play victim afterwards.
Enjoy your weekend.
You go Skingirl13 whi-cha bad-self!! 🙂
Sydneymom, She said grow up as your post was baiting her with the bad day comment.
Using the word, ‘road kill’ is classy? No it’s not. In my wildest imagination I would never even entertain road kill when describing a purse. I can feel the steam coming from OP ears.
Everybody certainly has a right to have an opinion. Skingirl is merely expressing her honest opinion. I purchased one of Joy’s handbags in the past and had nothing but trouble with the zipper. I ended up discarding the bag because it is not of much use if the zipper refuses to close. Sure, the handbag looked very nice on television but it needs to be functional as well. I have several of Joy’s garment hangers and a few of her other innovations. I do actually like some her items, but I am going to have to pass on her handbags. If I am being rude by telling of my experience with Joy’s handbag, well, then so be it. Just giving the benefit of my experience. Everyone can make up their own mind as to whether they want to take the plunge and purchase the item. Ultimately, each consumer is responsible for their own decision.
It will be interesting to see, in a couple of weeks, the reviews of her TS. I don’t know who was talking faster…Joy or Amy!!! I wish the hosts would slow down during their presentations! Amy is not the only one who talks so fast….are the producers urging the hosts to sell as many items during their shows as possible??? Just wondering.
You’re all great in your opinions and here’s mine….
I need an outside pocket which I didn’t see and Pls… no ugly name emblems!
What a turn off! Not to mention my bag needs some bling..too plain for my taste!
I have bought Joy products in the past.
The last product I bought was a lunch bag. It didn’t last 6 months. It fell apart. The interior was cheaply made.
No Joy products for me. I would rather give money away than throw it away.
Patricia Nash is a designer and Joy is an inventor period. I would never buy a Joy bag, looks cheap and overpriced. I have a Nash handbag for over 20 years and it is made so well it looks just as good the day I bought it. Joy needs to stick to inventing other products than fashion. JMO
I saw the new bags. The leather is barrel drum rolled or something like that. I know the process is better for the quality of the leather. I ordered luggage and dome handbags from her in the past. Never had an issue. The luggage she designed with Iman lasted me many years. In fact I still have the black dome bag pictured in my profile. I still use it. I also have her hangers. Never had an issue. Not really sure what is going on with the post. Glad to see her back. I liked her products. I am sure I will order a handbag or 2 from her again. The cross body sold out, so I missed that opportunity. Her luggage was much lighter than that other lady who has the travel show. I have her luggage because joy was no longer on HSN when I needed big pieces. Oh well it worked out for Joy because nobody was ordering luggage for the last couple of years and so I would say she was fortunate.
I am happy to see Joy is back. Her uplifting mood makes me feel better just watching her. I think she’s adorable.
Conversation Info
Posted in Fashion
27 Replies
03.16.22 1:14 AM
19 Participants