I wish HSN would update us about IMAN.
Does anyone know if IMAN will be selling her Global Chic collection elsewhere?
Is Iman coming back for fall?
Why is everyone left in the dark about this? Not considerate to the shoppers and Iman followers.
Please update us all with the Iman status at HSN!-
This has been one of my biggest beefs with HSN, the lack of transparency. I remember them selling items that they knew were on back order but would never say that during the presentation. You would only find out when you went to purchase online and it would come back, “on extended delivery.” It would be indeed nice if they’d put something out in regard to Iman.
YES , give us some update about Imans return , PLEASE
Have you tried Iman? I don’t know Twitter.
I wish they would too. Hoping we get a fall collection surprise.
Conversation Info
Posted in Fashion
6 Replies
07.28.19 5:33 PM
5 Participants