Huggable hangers break when dropped
Any else have that problem? If it falls on hardwood or bathroom floors, mine break. Will not buy them anymore.
Most of my huggable hangers are broken too. They break so easily. Is this “dry rot”?
Very poor quality and I will never buy them again. -
I’ve had my Joy hangers several years but 3 have broken in the last month, in the ways you all describe. I googled to see if others had this problem and apparently so. They snap in half.
You can get velvet hangers on Amazon ( 50 for $19.99). Why pay for Joy’s, especially since the prices went up so much.
Yes. One just broke yesterday. If you quickly pull something off, they break that way too.
Yup! They’re over hyped junk just like every other JM product. I can t tell you how many have broken or the metal hook comes out of the hanger! Clothes on the floor ….
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Posted in Fashion
6 Replies
10.27.23 12:12 AM
6 Participants