Hosts stretching garments on air
Most hosts do this but Debbie is the biggest offender. If any garment they’re presenting has some stretch to it, they pull and pull and pull on it endlessly! Nothing that you would buy would have to stretch that much if ordered to fit! Sorry, this seems petty, but it’s very annoying.
They are only during there their job, and Debbie is during very good job and a good host, they all during very a job
Thanks all for the laughs, especially the kids mocking the stretching, hope u got a video of that. I so wish instead of stretching the pants they would actually give garment measurements becaue so often what I receive is far from stated measurements on item.
Example is last jeans ordered 2 pr straight leg petite & sheesh one pr fine the other looked like flood pants, same size different colors ordered. Go figure. -
I agree. It’s childish.
Agree, it’s annoying
YES!!! Even my kid mimics it with his own pants!😂 it is really overdone!!
When presenting a pair of jeans with stretch in them the only part that is ever stretched is the hip/thigh area. They will pull on that with everything they’ve got, but rarely do they ever remove the jeans from the hanger to show how much give is in the waist Sam is the only person who does it on a regular basis and when he does, that helps me to decide if I will order them. I am a wide waisted person so stretch in the mid-section is the most important thing for me when shopping for jeans.
The shoe bending is hilarious and pouring water on the winter boots over and over is just as bad. -
I find it very annoying too. Another thing that annoys me is bending and bending shoes until the leather cracks or they ruin the sole. I don’t know her name but she is a bleach blond airhead that is the “ambassador” for Bzees, she actually broke the shoe on air but kept on going.
That shoe bending is the dumbest looking thing ever.My kids laugh about it and ask who actually ever stands and bends their feet in that position.My daughter says they must think they are selling ballerina shoes.I hate that stretching the clothing thing too.A little tug is fine or showing the waistband stretch area.Reminds me of the old time pantyhose stretching ordeal people would do to get them on.
Hilarious Folks! I have nothing pressing to do so I read the Forum for giggles. I totally agree with you all as to the annoying habits these hosts have. I can’t imagine what it’s really like to explain for half hours at a time the the aspects of a single garment/jewelry item, or a pan. I guess they have to use whatever means they can to describe to we- -modern-media-savvy-custmers.
Conversation Info
Posted in Fashion
10 Replies
11.16.24 2:06 PM
10 Participants