Giuliana, show the inside of the bags!
I watched for 23 minutes and all they talked about were the colors, the 3 ways to carry the handbag and the leather. Callie was going to show inside and the camera cut away. It doesn’t look like they open very wide. I don’t care for the little purse on the outside. Unless you need an evening bag, I don’t think this handbag is functional.I like a bag with a lot of pockets. The colors are beautiful but this bag is not for me.
I would have tucked the lil coin purse inside, & also think not much room to get our hands in it for access. I preferred the look of her last TS bag, but didnt purchase any due to the tight fit getting my hand in it either.. This one I dont like the look of-the 2 bags together-Also I dont like the “tote handle” at all.
I’m afraid there are going to be some disappointed people. A hundred dollars is a lot to pay for a semi functional handbag. For the cost, I want something I could use everyday. Giuliana named several things she put inside and she pulled out one slim item. I don’t care for the piggyback look. From the side it was not attractive. Also, when using the larger bag alone
there is not an outside pocket, a must for me. If Giuliana designed this bag, she needs to stick with clothing.
I watched Patricia Nash yesterday and her handbags were amazing and very functional. -
I didn’t need to see the inside. The outside was enough. Gold hardware on every one of the bags. Not everyone wears gold.
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Posted in Fashion
4 Replies
09.20.24 2:24 AM
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