G By Giuliana – tall lengths? – (and short lengths)..
Hi Everyone,
I am hoping all of you are enjoying your day! I purchased a G pair of jeggings, and I like the quality, and they are in a tall length. I noticed a lot of the newer pants/leggings/denim no longer have tall length (or short length) choices. One of the reasons I made my purchase was to get the length. When I go back to purchase more, the tall length are sold out. Wouldn’t that make a person think that there is a market or this? A lot of people are taller or shorter than the norm. I would (and maybe others) even be okay if there was an option to purchase the longer length, just with a longer turn around time, if I would have to wait for more to come in, you know? But to stop having them? I know they were selling because they are sold out. I am sure you do not sell near as many tall or short lengths, but…come on. I hope it is just a temporary thing and that the lengths will be added. please add them! It is a huge reason why the line got my attention. Please bring us back the choices!
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Posted in Fashion
1 Replies
11.18.21 3:24 PM
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