A Shout Out to Marla Wynne
I love how Marla puts together outfits so we can see the different ways to wear them. I don’t remember if she did that when she was actually in the studio but watching her on Zoom with all the styles displayed has encouraged me to buy more than I normally would. I hope when we get back to normal again and she is back in person that she continues to do this. It is really a big plus for me. Silly me takes pictures of her outfits and puts them in a folder on my phone. I also like that she shows us how her regular size fits her. I’ve ordered wrong regarding her sizing and probably will again, but it really is helpful when we see how big her regular size is on her. Thanks, Marla. All these extras you do mean a lot.
I like her designs but they are too big for my body. Her pieces are usually quality fabric. I have two sweaters from two winters ago of hers that I love and baby. She just designs for a woman with a big chest and skinny legs, or heavyset and wanting to hide her body. She also does too many 3/4 length sleeves. Hot women?? I love her clothes but they don’t work for me in what she’s designed this past year.
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Posted in Fashion
2 Replies
05.20.21 3:03 AM
2 Participants