I need to return the defective Zvox Sound Bar because it doesn’t function properly. Guess what? There’s no Easy Return Label included!! Customers have to pay return shipping themselves for this item! At no time during the presentation was this mentioned! Wish I had known this beforehand! This means I will have to pay MUCH more to return than if I was able to use a label. I am not happy at all and will not be ordering much else from HSN! HSN, EITHER YOU HAVE AN EASY RETURN POLICY OR YOU DON’T! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO LET CUSTOMERS KNOW THAT YOU WILL NOT PAY FOR RETURNS ON AN ITEM!THIS IS FALSE AND DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING!
Skingirl13, I so agree with you! I’m just so angry that NOWHERE in the online item description does it say that this item is not eligible for EASY Returns, and it certainly wasn’t mentioned in the live presentation, either! Unfortunately, there were no reviews available when I ordered, otherwise I would have never purchased this . I’m sure they didn’t want to scare customers away. One person said that they had to pay almost $28 to mail this soundbar back! We haven’t yet returned ours, but I’m expecting to pay at least over $20, at a minimum. It should be a policy to inform potential buyers whenever Easy Returns won’t be honored!
@nikkib914, if you contact customer service you should not have to pay to return a defective or broken item. They should waive the return fee.
I was actually reading an article recently on how online shopping is trying to cut down on returns by not including return labels. Amazon is also trying to get people to return items to Kohls rather than using UPS. The article went on to state that some consumers are abusive with their returns. Wearing items for extended periods then returning right before the 30 days. Food items mostly eaten and then returned. Amazon is actually banning some people for life!
Transparency has NEVER been HSN’s strong suit. Today I bought Dr. Ho’s pain reliever kit. Watched the full presentation with Coleen Lopez. Placed my order and guess what? On back order. Not one time was that mentioned. At least QVC, will mention during their presentation, “all items will ship on such and such date.” Not HSN. SO annoying. For those of us who really want the item, being on back order won’t deter us from buying. A.N.N.O.Y.I.N.G! And I agree, honesty and straight forwardness goes along way. I was hoping that would be apart of their New Years resolution but I guess not.
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
4 Replies
01.05.20 12:18 AM
3 Participants