Who is the new tech host appearing lately?
I know one of the tech hosts left not long ago, and lately there is some new guy who has been showing up (I think his name is Jason). He was on a few times when they were doing the portable battery generator and tonight when they were doing the Bose speaker. I’m not speaking of the red-headed guy who I think is ALSO named Jason who migrated over from Evine. This guy is relatively new.
I try to evaluate these folks since I’m a geek. So far he seems ok and I haven’t caught him lying about any product, though like most he makes everything sound like it’s the “best” out there. No facebook page to find but just wondered if anyone knew where he migrated from. I like to know the actual “tech histories” of people who say they’re experts on these channels as opposed to people who are just actors being paid to speak for products, etc.
I didn’t know they used actors to pose as ‘experts’, but it doesn’t surprise me, especially with all the other deception I am aware of. It’s sad that some companies will resort to almost anything to make a sale.
Figured it out. He’s an actor. He’s appeared in the Vampire Diaries, etc. He was doing pretty good but I lost respect for him when he tried to sell a 32 inch 720p TV with an old DVD player on it like it was something that was just invented and innovative tech. lol
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Posted in Electronics
3 Replies
06.04.20 11:47 AM
2 Participants