Whatta Runaround!
HSN has always treated me fairly, but I am not happy with the runaround I’ve been through just trying to activate an Office Suite promo through Nova Development. It appears I’m not the only one who has gone through this ordeal. Nova Development appears to have all the characteristics of a scam. HSN / QVC should be more prudent in choosing their partners. In any case, the old foil of frustrate them enough and they’ll finally give up worked with me. I’ll definitely think twice before ordering any product that comes with a fantastic voucher worth mega-dollars. Keep your deals, HSN, I think I’ll shop elsewhere from here on.
Thanks for the warning. I try to be much more selective about the things I have purchased these last couple of years from both HSN and QVC. If it seems too good to be true, it usually isn’t all that great when we get it at our house. Vouchers seem to always have some kick to them. Or the refund on one of the store or company’s gift cards. You have to keep after it.
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
2 Replies
01.19.23 11:08 PM
2 Participants