Host Guy
I really like Guy, but his voice is so raspy, that I can’t stand to listen to his show. I always turn away from his show. Sorry.
Guy has had problems with his voice and has acknowledged it. The problem started about two or three years ago when he thought he had laryngitis. It turned out to be more and his days of hosting back then was minimal to nonexistent. Sorry you do not like his voice. I am just thankful that he can host and continue doing the things he enjoys.
guy was very sick. I took an just glad that after almost a year that he’s back on HSN doing everything that he loves and enjoys doing. I hope these post’s help you to see guy different. I also hope you can understand his reason why his voice is raspy and it makes you feel a bit better him.
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
3 Replies
2 weeks ago
3 Participants