Very upset
I see now that boots I ordered back in 2019 that had an extended holiday return policy of January 31, 2020, are now 30 dollars cheaper. Also a Perlier order for a 2 set of royal jelly lotion is $20.00 cheaper. I called CS regarding the boots and they said it only covers a 30 days price guarantee from when the item was purchased. Why does HSN do that? If you have the extended time to try a product, then they cut the price and you can’t get the difference credited? I assume it will be the same for the Perlier purchase and the dispenser has started to leak recently. I patched it up and was going to let it go, but why should I pay almost 20 dollars more for something that is defective? Think HSN should cover the full holiday price guarantee and if the price drops, give you the difference. Now I have to send both items back. Very disappointed. Thank you.
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Posted in Customer Service
1 Replies
01.27.20 11:59 PM
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