Shopper BEWARE
Who knew? If you order more than one of an item [dress? gadget? other], HSN will ship each separately! When you order, it shows “1” item. You simply click to increase it to 2 or 3, etc. Does it SAY, “we’ll treat each item separately”? NO. Then, if you added $20+ for fast shipping, they apply it to ONE of the items, and charge regular shipping on others. Ridiculous. Deceptive. There ought to be bright, bold pop-up or info blocks to alert the shopper of that practice. Sure, it shows up later on your email receipt. But try to get it changed via Customer Support. Good luck.
My spouse was a picker at LL Bean in my area. I know about Speed and pressure to grab correct items fast, and get them packaged and out the conveyor belt. No guessing required of shoppers as to how many packages & how many shipping fees.
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Posted in Customer Service
1 Replies
06.30.24 8:00 PM
1 Participants